As a trained pharmacologist, I have generally found through teachings or readings of scientific articles, that physical addiction of psychedelics such as THC or LSD are much less than other compounds. It still exists to a certain degree or course, but the relaitively speaking, physical addiction of THC is much lower. With that said, it doesn't mean THC is a safe drug. There are plenty of examples where its properties are healthy, but there are also plenty of evidence for the opposite. Secondly, just because physical addiction is low, it doesn't mean that psychological addiction is also low. Everyone can become psychologically addicted to anything. With drugs such as thc, it may be a little easier than let's say a tomato. The reason for this is THC tends to relax people, you may find your stresses not bothering you as much, and this ultimately will be a feeling that will be hard to give up, and you will feel that you need it. So don't be fooled pot is addictive, just not necessarily the same way as alcohol or heroine.