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Everything posted by AtomicMX

  1. because you'd be using your own ip... there is no need. then explain me why would you use it.
  2. I am still waiting for your mathematical explanation....
  3. If you feel yourself as a scientist, you should have already known that.
  4. Thats some sort of the concept of universe. and the universe is finite, so it has and end.. I do not see why does finite and everything contradicts. Read this. About the things you "can't" disprove. The Principle of Parsimony "Parsimony means "Adoption of the simplest assumption in the formulation of a theory or in the interpretation of data". This principle is is very important in logic. It is a way of narrowing down several possible answers to a particular question and determining which one is most likely to be correct. Basically it states that the simplest answer is most likely to be the correct answer. More specifically, the explanation which makes the least number of unproven assumptions is most likely to be the correct answer. "
  5. excuse me but, why would you use a proxysever in your own machine?
  6. Yes and a proxy can do that either.
  7. errr... what? i did not understand your point. what i mean.. is that c is the umbral between wave and particle.. being in the particle side, the matter would be still the matter it was?... (not changing its agregation state? or something)
  8. Rocks indeed.
  9. can common matter continue being as it is at a speed of 2.999999 ^ 8 ?
  10. Proxy is a server that resolve for you ips. For example, if you cant access to one webpage because your ip extension does not belong to mexico's range i can setup a proxy server for you, and you, using my ip can access the webpage (in your machine of course). or backward can block you from get an information. Proxy servers (in some cases) can be considered as firewall. I do not know what would this do, but i am sure that you need a proxy server(another machine) to make use of a proxy. The plug in may be a proxy setup tool only.
  11. Do you know the difference between theory and hypothesis? I think i am understanding you point, the trick here is that, the things that are already are, if we get another universe with another characteristics, the laws for our matter and kind of energy in that universe had to apply but yet you could find another laws and rules. (for that universe behavior and stuff).. But the laws had to apply because they are laws. Multiuniverse does not exist. (nor parallel) I was thinking of it as gallaxies... what do you mean with another universe. If you want to search for the wrong wormhole "theory" search for rose-einstein bridge
  12. Oo!! whats that and where do i get it...?
  13. Hmmm.... you see dreamlord...
  14. Gentoo is nice, but i still suggest Slackware.
  15. Yes, sayonara that what i meant. You all got to excuse me but speaking a little more than 3 languajes makes you commit some mistakes. (little more, i mean french word, russian words, portuguesse words, latin, etc... but in a minimal bit)
  16. I am not, just you get rude i get a little rude either. But, do you smoke marihuana?. For dreamlord, in my country is Marihuana, and it isn't pronounced as "J" . Yes yes, but its implied anyway, but in this way, perhaps you did not noticed, the logic is in the case for example, if you "imagine" a dragon, was because you read plenty monsters books, and dogs, and monsters, then in your mind you can permute that, then you get the logic of something you imagine, what i mean, is that you cant invent from nothing... There is the logic. If you (all) do not understand what i mean, then please say no, and i'll explain this a little more. Of course it is, for example, if you see a bird that is an animal, then a human says, i am an animal, if it can fly, so do i, then he see, how did it fly, and so and so..... there is where the "imaginations" logic.
  17. ... Read the system definition. By the way 2 or more systems make another system and so on... Perhaps because they are LAWS! As far as i remmeber this is an hypothesis made based on the bad interpretation of einsteins theory, but wasnt einstein's. Wormholes do not exist even mathematicately but, you can see some sort of teletransportation in the universe, because the different solar systems and stuff have magnetism and the light is refracted.
  18. Wow the time flies there too... the last version i remmeber was the 0.9.3 :P:P:P:P I use firefox, and well, i use linux so i wouldn't bother to port IE, but yet in windows i would use it.... It is so.... good.
  19. Has logic in the sense that you imagine something based on experience. (suggest you psichology and dream studies) Do you smoke marihuana? So you.
  20. well i call that imagination, imagination has logic. i wont arguee with this because i understand your point, but, the mind and discoverings are mostly logic, (or luck in biology, and those "sciences")
  21. Errrr i am Mexican dude, i am out of your ecuation.
  22. i should stop eating those dog street tacos :S !!!!
  23. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! i was referring to the upside comment 15.8 15.h h is the 8th letter of the alphabeth... the intresting thing.. is that i thought that i only thought it.... i didnt see that i post it..... weird ah?
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