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Everything posted by Daedalus

  1. Hello everyone!!! I just finished my first composition for the pipe organ titled, "Once Upon A Dream". Let me know what you think about it. After all, musicians flourish through constructive criticism. Enjoy the song!!!
  2. Thank you Phi for All! Although the gift is mine, it took quite a few years to hone the skills. I'm just happy that my efforts are appreciated.
  3. I finally completed this one, and I really like how it turned out. (The volume is also adjusted) Enjoy!!!
  4. Hello everyone! I haven't posted in a while because I've been working on my latest composition since my birthday January 15th. I finally got the first part completed and want to share it with you all so you can see how I write music and follow along with the process. This recording is the brass and woodwind section: And, here is the completed first part with the strings: Enjoy!!!
  5. They handled it extremely well. They understood the seriousness of the situation and remained in the car while I offered my assistance.
  6. On the way home from picking up my boys for the weekend, we witnessed this wreck happen literally right in front of us. We were stopping at the intersection and was the first car at the stop light when this van came speeding through the red light at the same time as the red Dodge. Both vehicles were traveling at the posted speed limit for each road, which is 55 mph on HWY 77 / Flood and I assume 40 mph on Tecumseh. The lady in the van was going South on HWY 77 / Flood and ran the red light at 77 / Flood and Tecumseh in Norman, OK right in front of the On Cue gas station. The van exploded (not in the fiery sense) sending shards of glass and metal everywhere. I was first on the scene and called 911. The couple in the Dodge were not injured. However, the lady in the van was unconscious and not responding. Her condition is critical and was rushed to Norman Regional Hospital. Luckily there were two RNs (nurses) at the gas station that rushed to her aid while I was on the phone with 911.
  7. This is why I don't go ice fishing...
  8. Number 2, 7, and 8 is wrong. 2.) The butcher weighs meat. 7.) You can't take pictures using wooden legs. You'll need a camera. 8.) If you passed the person in 2nd place, you will be in 2nd place.
  9. Mainly just Bézier curves in general. The solution to the original challenge is as you say, quadratic Bézier curves. The general equation can be found here at Wikipedia.
  10. I always seem to see the patterns in the numbers, and while playing around with the result of this challenge, I managed to extend the solution beyond parabolic curves: [math]P_x(t)=(x_0-2\,x_1+x_2)\,t^2-2(x_0-x_1)\,t+x_0[/math] [math]P_y(t)=(y_0-2\,y_1+y_2)\,t^2-2(y_0-y_1)\,t+y_0[/math] where [math]\{t \in \mathbb{R} : 0\le t\le 1\}[/math] If you look at the above result, you should notice some patterns that seem to be a recurring theme. As a bonus, I'll give anyone rep who can tell me what type of curve this new pattern entails. It's interesting, because I should've noticed this when I first worked the problem
  11. Happy New Years Everyone!!!

    1. Endercreeper01


      Happy new years to you too!

  12. From what I understand, when you measure an entangled property, you end up destroying the entanglement. If that is true, then it wouldn't matter if you could send information faster than the speed of light with an entangled system. The device located near the sun would signal the device on the Earth. However, you have to know when to check for information coming in. The device on Earth would be constantly measuring the entangled state. Thus destroying the entanglement upon the first check rendering it useless. Of course, I could be wrong
  13. Merry X-mas Everyone!!!

    1. imatfaal


      and a Happy New Year

  14. Although I agree with some of your assertions: As a parent, I do not agree with your premise. Love is a chemical and mental bond shared between a person and an object of affection. It is not a mechanism evolved in women to entrap men, and I resent your sexist point of view. Wikipedia lists some information regarding these chemicals that produce the feelings of love: No one really knows how the chemical and mental bonds evolved millions of years ago, but it is obvious that love is an emotional attachment to things that make us happy and provide us with enjoyment even when such things can hurt us. This feeling of attachment is a response to chemical reactions that provide us with the ability to differentiate between things that we like versus things that we don't like. Because our bodies produce these chemicals in varying concentrations, we experience it differently based on the object that produced such chemical reactions. Therefore, you might love your children more than your XBox, and as a father of two awesome sons who love and adore me, I can tell you that my children are not just my ex-wife's tiresome offspring. They are my little buddies, and I would give my life for them. Are you saying that it is only through men that we advance our scientific knowledge and technological abilities? I hope not! If it were not for women scientists, we would not have the technological marvels that we have today. Your conclusion is flawed, and you should to retract your sexist statements.
  15. After speaking with Endercreeper01, he's decided to go ahead and let me post the solution lol... As usual, I've attached the Mathematica 7 file for the challenge to this post. TenthChallenge.zip
  16. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

    1. Endercreeper01
    2. moth


      Fortunately this turkey's tangents cross, so I know a point where they are equal. Happy Thanksgiving.


  17. I don't blame any number, and I don't have a problem with multiple answers being correct lol. These type of problems are evaluated using limits and calculus, and there can either be a limit or not. It's as simple as that.
  18. There isn't a problem. Some people just have a hard time understanding indeterminate forms and how to evaluate them with limits. They have a need to fix something that isn't broken simply because they don't understand advanced mathematics. The answer is that you can't divide by zero.
  19. No, the actual solution is in parametric form where you have an equation for [math]x[/math] and one for [math]y[/math]. An example would be: [math]F_x(t)=t[/math] [math]F_y(t)=t^2[/math] Remember, the equation uses all three vertices of the triangle to define the parabolic curves, and the order of the points determine the curve (there are three) and direction along the path.
  20. You sure can. I'll give you till Dec 2, 2013. This particular problem actually results in a parabola. There is a very interesting property that tangent lines to parabolas have that make it possible to solve this one.
  21. Physicists at the Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics have developed a device that "leaves the photon untouched upon detection". After reviewing the link to the original article, I found the following that explains that "an incoming photon is reflected off an optical resonator containing a single atom prepared in a superposition of two states". So, I wouldn't say that the photons are untouched. However, the claim is that the detector allows the photons to continue on their way after being detected: This non-destructive technique of observing the photon may lead to new advances in quantum computing, communication, and information processing: Pretty cool!
  22. You're welcome. At risk of giving the solution away, I'm going to give you one last hint. You have 2 vertices of the triangle that are also points on the parabola. You also have two sides of the triangle that are tangent to the parabola at those 2 vertices. Now, you have the third vertex of the triangle that has nothing to do with the parabolic curve. The only thing this third point has in common with the parabola is that it is also where both tangent lines intersect. I have now given you most of the information needed to solve the challenge. If you read the thread carefully, you should be able to use this hint to figure out how to find the solution. If no one replies to the thread asking for more time by tomorrow, I will go ahead and post the solution.
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