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Everything posted by Daedalus

  1. I couldn't resist making this post because I [math]r=\frac{\text{sin}\,\theta\sqrt{\left | \text{cos}\,\theta \right |}}{\text{sin}\,\theta + 7/5} - 2\left(\text{sin}\,\theta - 1 \right)\,\,\,\,\{\theta\in\mathbb{R}\,| \,0\le\theta\le 2\pi\}[/math] math more than any other subject
  2. You welcome! My thoughts on this is exactly the same. The work definitely suggests that there might exist a rational way to model quantum dynamics beyond the typical statistical approach.
  3. Hi Pantheory!!! I was just thinking about you the other day. School is going great, and I still have a 4.0 GPA As for the paper, I've been so busy with school and getting ready for fall session that I haven't had much time to finalize it. I also have a friend, J.M. Jennings, who is a published author that is helping me write a book on temporal uniformity. I've expanded on the concept since we've last talked, and he helps me proof read everything so that it is much easier to read and understand. Once I find the time, I will send you what I have so far on nested / iterated exponentiation, and we can catch up on current events (especially concerning fluid dynamics in regards to modeling QM). I'll send you an e-mail around the middle of next week after I take my kiddos back to their mom. I've been spending a lot of time with them the past few weeks since school is about to start back up
  4. I meant inexpensive regarding everything else but the camera. From what I gather, high speed cameras cost a lot of money. Perhaps I can find a place that will rent one to me, or maybe the university will have one that I can use. Regarding your suggestion, I'll definitely have to ask SwansonT about some tips about purchasing cheap(ish) equipment.
  5. I have no idea what you are talking about What does a rotating pyramid have to do with "dark lines of spectra around the doughnut RIM"? Where did that even come from? You created an animation of a rotating pyramid with the following: All I can gather is that the green square the pyramid is sitting on represents the Earth, and the pyramid is orange. For some unknown reason, the pyramid is rotating. You claim that the shape contains energy? What? Why is the pyramid rotating? Perhaps English is not your first language, and that's ok. However, I have no idea what you are talking about.
  6. What exactly are we looking at in model #13? http://youtu.be/KmPrUwzpKak Are you claiming that the Earth's gravitational field causes the pyramid to rotate? Perhaps I should do as you suggest and not attempt to understand. Bignose is correct that there isn't much of a scientific discussion here because none of this makes any sense.
  7. In regards to your paper, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything": Ok.... I believe I found the reason why there is a lack of refutation regarding your paper. What you have written in the above quote is most definitely outside the realm of science, and is nowhere near being correct within the known laws of physics or within the abstractions of mathematics. Not only are you equating a singularity as defined in general relativity as being a universal Turing machine (a computer), but you are also defining it as God. It doesn't matter that you sprinkle some physics into your writing. With claims like the one stated in your paper, you will never be taken serious, much less invoke an actual scientist to take the time to refute such nonsense. With all of that being said, I would like to point you towards the rules of the forum, specifically number 4 which states: You should also be aware of additional rules applied to the Speculations forum: As for your claims that "the Omega Point is omniscient, having an infinite amount of information and knowing all that is logically possible to be known; it is omnipotent, having an infinite amount of energy and power; and it is omnipresent, consisting of all that exists", I ask you to provide physical and / or mathematical evidence showing how it is sentient or at least how it functions as a universal Turing machine. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence!!!
  8. I have actually been chased by an agkistrodon piscivorus (water moccasin / cottonmouth) while fishing at one of my favorite lakes here in Oklahoma. While walking along the shore, I seen a water moccasin and it seen me because it raised up, showed me its fangs, and then proceeded towards me. As soon as it did that, I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction. It didn't chase me very far. Of course, in fear that I might get bitten, I didn't stop to look back to see where he was. I ran up the dam and proceeded to the other side of the lake. I'm normally not afraid of snakes. I actually think they are really cool. However, the lake is way out in the country, and there is a good chance that if I got bit, that I wouldn't be able to contact someone for help and get medical attention. Wikipedia offers a reason why these snakes 'chase' people, or at least why we feel that we are being chased
  9. Thanks imatfaal!!! I really appreciate you finding that for me It's a cool experiment, and one that seems like it would be inexpensive to conduct. Of course, the most expensive part would be the camera used to take the video.
  10. That's awesome! Very beautiful. Thank you for sharing!!!
  11. Tomorrow, August 6, 2013, marks the one year anniversary for Curiosity being on Mars!!!
  12. FTW!!!!
  13. I would like to point out that, at least in the United States, the USPTO has made it policy to refuse the granting of patents for perpetual motion machines without a working model. The USPTO states this directly on their website: As for contacting someone, such as a research center or lab, to help with your invention, I do not believe that you will find anyone willing to participate without you paying them a very large amount of money upfront without any guarantee of success. For scientists and engineers, they would be placing their career on the line to support your claims, which I highly doubt you will find someone willing to do without a good reason. This leaves you with severely limited options. None of which will help you very much in the long run. Your best bet is to actually share your research / idea with us here at SFN. Not only will you get expert advice from those who are willing to share, but also explanations as to why your invention will or will not work. I fully understand your reluctance to share your ideas. If you truly have something interesting, then you risk exposing your ideas to the public without any form of protection from theft of such ideas and inventions. However, I can assure you that when it comes to claims of perpetual / continuous motion machines, we have seen and heard just about every ridiculous claim out there. Furthermore, I hope you understand the intricacies of filing for a patent. If your device is functional, you will want to file a utility patent and not a design patent. The utility patent is expensive where a design patent is relatively much cheaper. There have been companies that trick inventors to file design patents only to file the utility patents for themselves. As explained by the USPTO, the difference is as follows: Because I mainly work in the casino gaming industry developing software and hardware for electronic games, I have lots of experience researching and filing patents. You will also want to procure a patent lawyer that has several years experience. You would be amazed at how many patents are poorly written, which allows a skilled patent lawyer to work around and circumvent the language of the patent. Of course, you can file a provisional patent that will give you one year of protection and allows the term "patent pending" to be associated with the invention. It is also the cheapest form of protection that one can obtain from the USPTO, but is also limited to just one year of protection: With that being said, I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors.
  14. It has been over a week since I posted the challenge, and it's time for a hint. Due to the cyclic nature of the problem, the solution involves using the modulo operation. However, I prefer to use the floor function to get the remainder: [math]r=a-n\,q=a-n\left\lfloor\frac{a}{n}\right\rfloor[/math]
  15. Well... I believe John Cuthber and I asked a few yes or no questions. Do you have a few answers?
  16. I agree. However, due to the nature of the puzzle, asking whether or not the wife cooked the soup can actually be helpful. We know that she is the source of the culinary mishap, but what caused the man to leave after actually tasting turtle soup for the first time at the restaurant. If she cooked the soup, then she lied to the husband about the contents of the soup. However, if she didn't cook the soup, then why is she the source of the mishap. If she didn't cook the soup, then she might actually be the 'source' for the meat in the soup ; ) As CharonY hinted to, my next question is whether or not the wife is the 'source' for the meat in the soup?
  17. So, he thought he had eaten turtle soup before, but never had. His wife is also the source of the culinary mishap. Did his wife cook the turtle soup the first time?
  18. I found the papers that were published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. I would've searched sooner, but I've been busy. Of course, there is a fee to access the papers, but I wouldn't mind making a purchase to see the details. Here's the abstract:
  19. I'm not sure there are any direct applications that this can be applied to currently except extending our understanding of nature. Of course, I'm interested in studying the math and possibly doing the experiment myself.
  20. It's all good... And in an unrelated matter, this was my 400th post. I am now a ninja Awe... just a molecule lol.
  21. Actually, the droplet is the same liquid as it is bouncing on.
  22. I realize that. I'm just curious as to how much NS was used to model the dynamics. Perhaps none at all, but it would be interesting to see the math. What's your thoughts on the video?
  23. I'll see if I can find the papers that were suppose to be published in July that explain the fluid dynamics: The mathematics should be extremely interesting. I'm curious as to how much it might resemble or contrast with the Navier-Stokes equations regarding the fluid dynamics. As for the droplets, Physics Review E states: It's also interesting how the physicists were able to produce the pilot-wave system: I found the original article released by MIT News that provides a little more detail regarding this pilot-wave system. They also provide this really awesome video showing the droplets in action: The video is truly amazing!!! Very cool indeed!
  24. Most likely, there are several things lost in the editing. After all, it is science journalism, which can get things horribly wrong at times. However, the neat thing about what these scientists have done is to discover a real pilot-wave system, which adds support to Louis de Broglie's theory.
  25. It's very rare when our macroscopic world exhibits behaviour found in the quantum world. However, a team of researchers at MIT have found just that. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/07/130729111934.htm
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