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Everything posted by ttyo888

  1. With our ethnics regarding sex eroding with time, how far are we from a world where HIV becomes so rampant that it has infected at least 50% to 75% of the world? And what kind of conditions will allow this to happen and how will life be like in such a society before, during and after the pandemic?
  2. what kind of adaptations would the animals need on an environment I plan to make in a fiction. But it's rather believable as far as I can see. The island is rather small like the offshore islands of Singapore but the whole island is in fact a very big mangrove swamp. There are also wide spaces filled with seagrasses like those in Shark Bay. Every time the tide rises at least 90% of the island is submerged in water. The flowering plants here are mostly mangroves and small shrubs and saltwater grasses.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIDS_origin#History_of_known_cases_and_spread
  4. I was led to think that HIV was a man made virus by a few factors The Year it was discovered and started This is one of the areas for suspicion. Bascially as far as records go, HIV was kinda reared its ugly head in the 1950s. That was at least a few short years after the WW2. And also there were records of Nazis invading Africa in the ww2. So it's not surprising that the Nazi being homephobic and racist, would make something to cull the undesirable population apart from tankers and soldiers. The birthplace it shares with many viruses of the same nature It just too coincident that the mostly horrible or sexually/ intravenously spread diseases came from Africa. You can blame the bushmeat trade but then. The Bushmeat trade has been going on for millions of years so why after 1950s we began to see its effects? Our Closest relatives Chimpanzees have been the subject of experiments due to our genetic similarities. It would not be surprising that maybe someone experimented on them and it escaped and spreaded it's disease. Many of the worst ecological disasters came from experimented or introduced wildlife.
  5. Hmm I see....SkepticLance's advice was good. Ok here some stats on my islands. It rose out of the sea about 30-50 million years ago. Well we have a lot of bugs and plants. Basically the birds there are pretty protective their eggs much like snow geese. Species like the medium to giant herbivores can be ignored but anything they don't recognize or they recognize as a predator, they will bombed them with droppings or even peck or bite them. In simpler terms, strangers or predators will be defended against. Species that will be attacked included anything they do not recognize like humans, rats dogs cats. Sounds sensible? That means they so not like strangers. And in a bird dominated ecosystem with no mammalian egg eaters, there are plenty of egg and chick thieves like Crabs that are half times smaller but related to the Christmas Island ones Members of the Avarodentia, which are native to the islands and look and behave like rodents Mynah-like birds with the same idea Pork Birds which are actually omnivorous tubenoses having a big tube and a taste for the eggs or chicks of ground-dwelling species and pigging out on roots. On some of the islands there are even Wetas that eat eggs! As a result, some of the ground dwelling birds in my story do not lay eggs instead they are ovoviviparous! The young are nourish with yolk but no eggshell but inside the mother until the time comes. The chick uses its egg tooth to burst out of the ovum's membrane. The development of the newly hatched chick depends on the species. Do you think that's sufficient to make a bird think twice about leaving yours eggs unguarded or be extra alert?
  6. Err how is that related to island tameness, I am very aware that some of New Zealand's avians are pretty "tame".
  7. I am writing a fiction about monster birds which should be "island tamed" but instead evolution has gone the opposite. Herbivore, omnivore or Carnivore are just as fierce to outsider as to native predators. And on what conditions will it happen. I don't want my birds to end up like dodos tame and defenceless due to lack of predators. My island had no mammals until people got there in my story. Rat were introduced but the local birds picked them for food just as easy. And also Have heard that the Giant African Snail was picked off easily by Christmas island Crabs.
  8. Hey here's some of the beak shapes I can conjure up but is it possible to have such weird beak?
  9. I wonder if there are cases of creatures reevolving traits they had in the past naturally without human intervention. Like say, a bird reevolving fingers or it's vertebrae of its tail or spine unfusing.
  10. Hi I wonder how do birds that have a huge wing land on a flat surface. Won't it crash and will having a pair of strong long legs help to brake? How will a bird with a 8m wingspan land on land?
  11. Hey how about this theory about why some of my birds are walking on fours... The island was once covered in rainforest like hawaii so it was difficult for mammals to reach and birds of prey to spot anything edible except bugs. IN fact for a long time, bugs dominated this islands. Something like the Weta-sized bugs being the dominant predators of the island until seabirds evolved. Then they find this lush rainforests full of unexploited opportunity. Did I mentioned that seabirds are opportunists? Enough bugs to keep the chicks well fed, the climate was pretty stable, well some decided to stay. But being a thick forest, it's pretty crowded and food alway hiding in holes. And seabirds lack the perching toe of passerines so they can't perch. So they needed to climb trees though to get a sudden glut of food mostly bugs. Then a mutation came into being, the birds developed claws to climb trees and shrank to fit their new homes and also it helped lot in evading Skuas. Skuas and other predators moved into but the thick forest and fast-responsive prey caused them to have a lot of trouble in catching them as a result they evolved the same way to catch them rather like pine martens catching squirrels. Then of course food in the ground is plentiful too. and birds have to manuveur in the ground to burrow to seek that grub. But then when the rainforest retreated on the island due climate change in the last ice age. And also a mountain creates a rainshadow causing grass plains to appear. Pacific Black Ducks the ancestors of some of the herbivores on the islands reached the islands and grazed on the grass and then the vegatation and of course growing large is a needed factor to digest the vegetation. And another thing important is that their backbones will become unfused as they become more adaptated to foraging in the ground and the trees. But unfusing the backbone is still plausible right?
  12. Hi my name is ttyo888, I am rather new to this forum which I believe can give me answers for some info needed for a fiction which has a lot to deal with in island evolution. I believe I can get my answers and constructive criticism here. The writing forums unfortunately do not have much realistic answers. Info I have currently The only problem is how or why the birds evolved into what I dream of Here's one I managed to identify the key species that will evolve to populate my island. Basically, the area I posted in the Google Earth pic earlier. Has the following Tubenoses, a lot of them Frigates Skuas from Antarctica Gulls Terns Lorikeets Pacific Black Duck= in the past they had giant tree-browsing cousins in Hawaii. Swallows Old World warblers Monarch flycatchers This is based on the avifauna of the French Polynesia but excluding the ones that are introduced by humans. I can say that it's a case of well convergent evolution and adaptative radiation. But what kind of conditions will tempt a bird to give up flying and start moving on fours? And also will they have island tameness which will be detrimental?
  13. Well those block can be the tracks of the tanker for example propelled by magnetic leviatation like the Maglev train. Look I am just a fic writer but I want my readers or audience to believe that this tech might work..... So a bit of reality is still needed I know it sounds crazy But if this thing can run... it can do a lot of things like say having a few motors running you have just one stretch of maglev track with the tanker treaded being magnetised and propelling forward. I just need someone to see if the concept still works or if it is to work then what modifications to be done.
  14. Hi I wonder if you science guys can see if this works OK if you guys know that The maglev train moves on magnetic levitation but I wonder if this process can be reversed... in such a way. I was thinking that this method may make a lot of things faster.... like Tankers?
  15. but if it is going to be put onto aircraft how it is going to work and can it work...? Like say instead of airships using Helium or Hydrogen, they will use Lifter tech to produce lift. And it can only go up rite or am I wrong.....
  16. Well true... but it's needs to work... so far the only thing that lifter tech managed to carry was a mouse!
  17. I am writing a story set in the future, no need to reveal too much. Ok I just interested in lifter technology since I want to portray the good guys as more environmentally friendier than the bad guy Cause as you guys are aware of its potential can this technology be implemented into aircraft like say make the rudder of a helicopter redundant or use this to replace the air tank of an airship, remember the disaster I think I can find my answers here. cause I am relatively new to it and it has never been seen in science fiction.
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