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  1. huffy

    Solar flares

    Hi,I'll put links to the videos I found but I'm going to be away from my computer until Monday(leaving for a weekend holiday in 15 minutes),I wanted to get my info out there now so I get credit for the find.Can I be wrong ? 100% for sure I could be wrong but I'm intriqued by what I found and need help to prove or disprove it thats why I came here,there are lots of excellant videos out there if anybody wants to try it in the meantime,Greg.
  2. I have been watching solar flares for years,I am now convinced that a very small few of them break the speed off light,I will explain why. Go look at the videos of solar flares and do this. Draw a circle around the outside of the sun,draw another circle 186,000 miles out from that line,this is the distace the solar flare should not be able to cross in 1 second(a bit of mathmatics is needed to figure out where to place the second line as every video is a bit different but if your on this website thats no problem for us. Most of the solar flare videos show flares that stay under this line BUT I have found 3 which the flares cross this line in under 1 second,it's close but they cross it,then they slow down and travel at the speed of light,so what I figured out is that they have to go faster than the speed of light for than small amount of time then slow to the speed of light. It's like throwing a rock into water,it goes real fast in the air until it hits the water then falls to the bottom at a constant speed. The flares are even going out this fast being pulled back by the suns huge gravity. I think I have just figured something really important out,please pass this on to everybody,if I'm wrong I need to know why,please don't speculate why I'm wrong,prove it to me,I tried to disprove myself for along time now and can't, the evidence is right there on tape. Thanks guys,please discuss this and let me know what you think,Greg.
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