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  1. http://www.instructa...Energy-Reactor/ The "Fusion Jr." Home Energy Reactor is in essence a mini-generator that derives its power off of combustible waste material (like paper, wood, yard clippings, and even some plastics) inspired by "Mr. Fusion" as seen in the movie "Back to the Future II". The potential for energy generation is great, and, in fact, this technology was used to power many cars during World War II and is a suggested energy source for developing countries (to provide gas to power stoves mainly). This is a truly unique project (never been done before), and, if completed, you can say that you have successfully converted garbage into electricity! This is a green technology that derives power from an alternative fuel source that can be built by mostly salvaged components (well, not everything). The Gasifier unit cleanly converts garbage into a burnable gas often called "syngas" or "woodgas," then burns it creating heat which can be used to cook food (I have personally used this to cook a pot of soup) or Peltier Cells can convert the heat directly into electricity. The current produced by the Peltier Cells is sent to a Charging Module. The Charging Module charges a rechargeable Storage Battery. The Storage Battery supplies energy to run a Power Inverter. The Power Inverter can be used to run electrical appliances. Later we will see that after setting up the battery, inverter, and charger, turning this into a solar project is as easy as substituting the Fusion Jr. with any solar panel. Safety: Be careful not to burn anything around trees or other flammable material or in an enclosed environment. Use an extended barbecue lighter for igniting the Fusion Jr.! I learned the hard way. I was interviewed by a student at Santa Susana High School to be displayed on the morning announcements but I accidentally cremated his zippo and he posted this video!
  2. Is it possible to build a ray gun at home? With mostly houshold items, it is. Perhaps many of you have seen tutorials online on how to build a laser pistol, but these tutorials are almost always only reliant on weak laser diodes. This pistol is a SOLID STATE PUMPED laser. PICTURES: VIDEO: TUTORIAL: http://www.instructables.com/id/Build-a-Real-Ray-Gun-at-Home-1/ I hope you Enjoy!
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