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Everything posted by thedarkshade

  1. I. One strand - double strand II. Ribose - dezoxyribose III. Thymine - Uracil
  2. Heat represent the rapid shake of molecules but microscopic in distance. Vacuum = no molecules:D
  3. That's got to be an interesting life:)!
  4. Well, with this you are one in 5 million my friend. Get over it!
  5. We are not expanding (umm.. maybe??), or getting 10x bigger or smaller. This was just something that went on in the course of the thread. It is the universe that is expanding, everything is moving away from everything.
  6. Behave like waves and hit like particles! (I've said this so many times)
  7. Ummm.... what year is this?
  8. You seem to be talking about catabolic processes, the aerobic and anaerobic ones. In aerobic catabolic processes there is aerobic respiration and phosphopentose oxidation cycle. The first one is one in mitochondria and the second one in citoplasm. IIRC Kreb's Cycle has three phases and the third of these deals with NADP and FAD, and it actually represent their dehydrogenisation (release hydrogen). 1. IMO yes, it Krebs Cycle 2. About that I don't really know the answer but I do know that NADP happens to be in the third phase of aerobic respiration, which means that there is O2. Guess: Looking back to aerobic and anaerobic glucolise and the fact that aerobic one gives more ATP and pyruvic and that anaerobe one gives less ATP and it gives lactic acid and etilic alcohol, my guess would me less ATP. 3.That enzyme would be pyruvic's acid decarboxilaze (TTP) and in that case you would get acetaldehyde. see below: and excuse the spelling BTW
  9. The Kw (ionic product) increases!
  10. If I completely ruled the world, the very first thing I would do is give it my name>. I'm being very honest!
  11. They are both characteristics of an object! Inertia depends on mass.
  12. A very rough reason would be that you need something colder so you can reach an equal value of temperature with.
  13. Heat IS a form of energy!
  14. You can always fell asleep in a physics class and take superposition as an excuse!
  15. Wait till may! Heat is the rapid (but microscopic in distance) shake of molecules, I have often heard of heat as the hidden kinetic energy (dunno exactly why). Now cold, it less hot, and the other way around. IMO you got only hot, and depending on how much hot you got, then you also have too hot, chilly, fresh cold and other stuff.
  16. Found that accidentally, thought it could be proper for the thread:)
  17. And that I think is due to K-40 and C-14 mostly, isn't it?
  18. It's funny that I thought of that too when I first saw a video that explained why planets move around the sun in orbits, and that this is due to curves that those planets cause in the space time fabric but not really, I remember back from my 7th grade that centripetal and centrifugal forces play a major role in the movements of planets.
  19. I guess the way I get into music I like is not counted here, but.... ummmm... I still enjoy listening to them, and for my own good, they're considered rebelling songs so they usually come out free, and if not, there's always a back door. Believe it or not, I have never in my life bought any music CD of any sort, not by cash or by credit card or by internet. Just got them for free:D:D
  20. Yes, it is not easy to get U-235, but there are some ways of purification: Calitron (old way), gas diffusion, centrifuges, and something that uses laser (not user about it), but it is a lot harder to build a plutonium bomb since it requires an implosion, a very very high symmetry needed.
  21. I see how Klaynos happily answers good guesses:D I just wanted to add that yes, waves transfer energy, so a wave spread can be understood as the process of transferring the energy from one molecule to another!
  22. BS? Oh come on, I know it sounds strange and stupid enough, hard to understand, but as far as I have read QM has solved a lot of 'issues' that were in its way, and we have applications of it, making it so not BS. As for the string theory, that's yet to be proved, and as long as no experiment can be done to confirm or deny what string theory predicts, then that is still agnostic.
  23. It's hard to get uranium, but easy to build a bomb by it>.. really!
  24. If you;re both expanding at the same rate, you couldn't possibly know. It's trying to figure out whether you're traveling or not when traveling at a constant velocity and not looking out of the window. You can't really know!
  25. Reproductive success only makes life possible to go on. And you can't reproduce unless you're surviving and still within that phase where you could reproduce. Taken in a rough way, yes, the aim is for the life to go on, but if by a 'goal-driven psyche' we take it in a more metaphysical way (like we're here to fulfill something) there really is no goal, we make the world the way we work on it.
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