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Everything posted by thedarkshade

  1. Google it sweetheart!
  2. Indeed it does have null effect. We call that as 'silenced' mutation. It happens when a codon accidentally replaces another, but it also recognizes the same aminoacid as the former one does. But if we calculated what is the percentage of 'bad' mutations and what is the percentage of positive mutations, I believe the number would change in for bad ones. This is why the term 'mutation' has become a synonym to negative effect!
  3. That is an oversimplified view of organelles functions. There is an elegant harmony that exists in the well-functioning of the cell. The function of one organelle might be depended from the function of the other. This is why the cell works as a single unified unit. i.e. Ribosomes produce proteins. But to produce proteins they need the information how aminoacids must be arranged in the polypeptidic line. That is what ARNi is for. ARNi contains the codons, but something must contain the anti-codons and must transport aminoacids where the synthesis is taking place. That is what ARNt is for. And so on. I guarantee that you will 100% enjoy everything you read about how the cell works. It's just like a great symphony:D! It takes a google to confirm that! Cheers, Shade
  4. Isn't this what it's actually theoretically necessary:rolleyes:...
  5. But genetic diversity is not due to mutations. It's due to the extremely high number of possibilities for nitrogen pairs to be arranged. If a gene contains 1000 bases, the possible combination is [math]4^{1000}[/math], bigger than the number of atoms in the universe. This is why out there the scale of biodiversity is so high, not due to mutations. Typical Mutation! In the synthesis of red blood cells instead of GAG adenine is replaced with thymine giving GTG, and red blood cells have hook shapes, unable to bond enough oxygen. Mutations kill!
  6. Relativity is everywhere. You can't really 'feel' it because of very slow velocities that happen in our everyday life. The effects of relativity can really be felt only when approaching the speed of light. But they do happen in normal life too, even in 65mph, it's just that they're too small to be noticed. Although they can be calculated. If you want to calculate that yourself, just speak up and we'll give you the equations. Cheers, Shade
  7. You really need to put a LOT in, like Kaly said. In sun, only the nucleus of it is hot enough to fuse. It's got to be really hot for fusion to take place. i.e. For a fusion to take place in a fraction of a second (like hydrogen bombs need it) 100 million C is not enough. CTRs have temperatures of 100 million C. Since 1950s, a goal for scientists has been fusion for power. But that is not easy since the temperatures required are as hot as (or hotter) than the center of the sun!
  8. I found it a bit weird when I heard of mutations as an evolution mechanism, for a simple reason. Mutations are always harmful or silenced (when a misplaced codon recognizes the same aminoacid as the codon it replaced). I have not heard of any positive mutation so far, which by replacing codons accidentally caused a better development of any part of the organism. It's like an earthquake happens in a city, and expecting from that earthquake to have positive effects on the city. If there is any explanation of how organisms evolved by mutations, then I'd honestly like to see/read it.
  9. Sleeping a very important part of your day and of your life, everyone's life! It is that period when brain completely relaxes, is completely detached from the stressing reality around and if the brain gets the needed time to rest, then the next day you'll be fully ready for anything. There is an average of how much you usually should sleep, I think it is between 6-9! Everyone should get that time of sleep within a day. Should you stay up late?! Well, I see no reason for doing or not doing that, that is what your personal decision. I (and we as nerds) usually stay up late, usually till 1am. Most of the time doing maths or physics (those trigonometry damned things:doh:)! But in my case how much will I sleep depends if I have to take the bus to school or my dad will give me a lift. But on weekdays I usually get 5-6 hours of sleep, and I get no problem with that. When I'm into something (any physics experiment for school) I completely forget and it has often happened to me to stay up all night and then go to school without having a minute of sleep, and then sleep on my geography classes. I got many detentions for that and was even expelled once! NERD!!! But despite everything, you should at least get 8 hours of sleep! Cheers, Shade
  10. My God! "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler" - Albert Einstein It reminds me of "the spherical cow" thing. OVERSIMPLIFICATION!
  11. CrazCo, we can't really give answers here just hints which might be useful to you. What I would propose is: 1. You can't have nucleus making up the whole cell, or ribosomes making the whole cell either. There just needs to be certain value of how much space each organelle can take so there is enough room for all of them. (tough I don't really understand the question clearly) 2. You can very easily find that out by knowing what does each organelle do. What is the advantage that each part gives to car? Piece of cake:! 3. Just look up what ribosomes do (protein synthesis) , what Golgi apparatus do (excretion) and what is the particular function of stomach lining! 4. Only plant have chloroplasts (plastids). So is amoeba an animal or a plant?
  12. Nagging :D:D:D You got it Cap'n!
  13. huh? edit: The gravitational pull between the Earth and Sun causes the Earth to travel around, or "orbit", the Sun at a velocity of 29.8 km/sec.
  14. By the way, is trolling considered as a violation here in SFN ?
  15. Hell no! I'd become a super spider-man! By the way, isn't this for general discussion?!
  16. Physically right! Any point, no matter how small, still has a microscopic height and width! I can't either, no one actually can. But they are thought to exist and is one of string's theory predictions. There were some models of string theory that request up to 20 dimensions, but after all 5 models came together, the definite thing (according to Edward Witter) was that there must me 11 dimensions so the theory can make sense! Any time! They're all available on youtube. The whole three parts!
  17. Wiki will do best at this!
  18. Welcome Katie! We wish you a good scientific time at SFN! Cheers!
  19. There is always a limit of what your organism needs! I agree with agentchange! Your organism is going through a process of the domination of anabolic processes. You need to eat so you can grow! You need to get a certain amount of energy because if not that will only go bad for you organism! There truly is a desire to eat, after all eat something that you really really like. You can't resist, honestly! I used to be a member of a swimming club and my father was a fanatic about it. He always set my lunch, but I couldn't just look the things I wanted and not eat them. I quit swimming, but in this case you don't even think of it. You seem to be wanting to make a career out of it. But do always have a sense of doing what you want to. In this case, I'd strongly recommend swimming and skiing as a way to remain fit! Good luck! Shade
  20. Maintaining a constancy of [math]30\frac{km}{s}[/math] !
  21. What about the fundamental understandings of geometry (line, point)? And String Theory requires 11 dimensions... There is a part III on NOVA titled "Welcome to the 11th dimension"? Seen it?
  22. But depends on what you really are thinking of creating an analogy!
  23. You mean [ce]CaCl2[/ce] Riogho! edit: sorry for posting in an oldish thread!
  24. Human Cloning = a completely devastation of human dignity Other cloning = sure, as long as it is good fur us!
  25. I'm on your side Klay! Puzzled:(
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