God has given you the freedom to make choices and has given you the mind to judge in your own way. And it's your choices and judgments that determine you and everyone as a person. You make your life the way you want to!
The guy asked if fish and chicken are conscious of feeling pain. And I think that their reaction toward pain is just instinctive, because consciousness is far more complicated than just reacting to electric impulses.
I'm not arguing about whether it is suffering or not. Pain means suffer (at least to me), but I completely oppose the idea that chicken or fish or anything except humans can have consciousness.
Clouds are water vapor. When you puff a balloon, you have to puff it quiet a lot to get the right shape. And the more you puff it, the more you increase the pressure inside the balloon.
I didn't really really understand this, but there's something about "dew temperature" and the whole stuff is about indoors. Maybe there's something that might explain what you have noticed.
2012 doesn't mean the end of the world. I've heard from an imam (because this is said in Quran too) that 2012 does not mean end of the world. Just a big catastrophe in which about 90% of mankind will die. I don't believe it myself, but it's strange how people believe these things with such strong faith.
My mother runs a store where she sells flowers and other beautiful plants. I just ran to ask her if there has ever been a case when you could see dew to the flowers (indoors), and she said yes (several times), but not often though.
No, not air movement. When you breath in and out, chest and the lower part of stomach moves. And in order these moves to be soft, you have to breath in and out quiet slowly. Cause' if you do it on a rapid way, your moves will be faster and that might obscure the image.
When you are asleep and someone pinches you on the hand. You just react by moving the hand away, but yet still continue sleeping. This is the case when chicken feels pain. It's just instinctive!
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