before you start to analyse a pecific bond, there are some general rules that can easier your work.
1 - All aminoacids have at least a carboxylic and an amine group. Since they are polar groups, that can establish polar bonds with other aminoacids. That is, dipole-dipole bonds. Moreover, once they have very electronegative atoms and hydrogens bonded to them, they can establish hydrogen bonds. Also, they are ionizable, which means that they also might establish ionic bridges.
2 - Each aminoacid have a specific lateral group that may be hydrophobic, polar (uncharged) and polar (charged). Hydrophobic groups establish hydrophobic interactions with other hydrophobic groups. Polar (uncharged) establish dipole-dipole bonds (in some cases hydrogen bonds, that is a specific type of dipole-dipole bonds). Polar (charged) establish the same as the polar (uncharged) plus salt bridges.
Thus, what I recommend you is to divide the aminoacids in groups accordingly the chemical properties of the lateral groups. Then is just necessary to apply the rules that I have mentioned before.
In respect to covalent bonds between aminoacids, the most common are peptide bonds and disulphide bonds.