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Everything posted by Riogho

  1. Now take 156 and divide it into 1.1368613138688 And what do we get... 1/137 *gasps* The evil!
  2. I know I did that lab last year (high school chem) and if you didn't get all the water out, naturally it would seem like you had more CuSO4 then you are supposed to which would screw up your ratio. I suggest going in during office hours and re-running the lab.
  3. I remember when I joined. Most definitely the greatest moment in SFN-history.
  4. It's also possible you didn't evaporate all of the water away.
  5. Alpha decay happens because all of that crap has energy and some gets more energy, enough energy in fact to break the color force, and shoot off from the nucleus. Kind of like evaporation.
  6. I find the Big Bang Model is infinitely more convenient if we acknowledge a God.
  7. When the energy gets high enough to produce the corresponding particle.
  8. *sighs* I really need to read more about electromagnetism.
  9. It is the distance between A and B that they slowed light, the actual photon is always traveling at C. You can shoot a photon through a big gunk of Einstein-Bose Condensate and it will get absorbed, and re-emitted multiple times, making it take longer to get through, but between those absorbtions and re-emissions it is always traveling at C.
  10. It isn't the circumstances of the outside world that affect it, but the circumstances inside the nucleus that cause the weak interaction.
  11. Because we can only make it by accelerating stuff to REALLY high energies and then that energy usually forms some electrons and positrons and then some protons and anti protons, and we separate them by their charge. It's REALLY expensive.
  12. What does their spin angular momentum have to do with that?
  13. I see then. Well then he has to consider probability waves as well then.
  14. The electroweak interaction only happens during certain circumstances.
  15. The electroweak interaction.
  16. Mass is the measure of inertia. The real question is does pressure contribute to gravity
  17. Why would it do that?
  18. When you say 'Matter Waves' do you mean waves of matter (i.e. wave function of an electron) or are you talking like ocean waves? Good question. There are obvious waves, like sound waves. Then there are the slightly trickier ones. E&M Waves and Quantum Field Oscillations and Graviational Waves (theorized). In terms of matter waves, (the wave function of an electron) all this stuff is open to interpretation. Some don't view it as a wave at all (multiverse). Some view it as a wave with a particle riding at it's forefront (bohm interpretation), some view it as both (the most popular, CopenHagen Interp, where the wave function collapses upon being measured). Personally, I am in the multiverse category. When I think of a 'wave' I basically think wave of probability, such as this wave is the probability of finding an electron here, oh looks we detected it, so it must be here (collapse of the wave function). E&M Waves are viewed the same way. Gravitational waves however are actually ripples in space-time curvature, which SHOULD happen when things like black holes collide, and we should be detecting them. But we arn't.
  19. Hmm... Interesting. I doubt it's enough antimatter to explain the horrid matter > antimatter problem we are currently having.
  20. It's like the Lorentz contraction doesn't actually make the volume of something contract when it is moving, it just APPEARS that way to an outside observer, because the object is in motion (or in a gravitational field) space-time is curved, therefore the objects you are using to measure (clocks, rules) are 'curved' (inaccurate) proportional to the space-time curvature.
  21. In Relativity anything that is not accelerating, (I.e. at a constant velocity), can make a valid claim to be at rest.
  22. Can I see a link?
  23. Antimatter is simply matter with the opposite Electric charge, lepton nubmer, and baryon number. Because of this it's wave is equal and opposite and therefore causes destructive wave intereference with normal matter. Technically, you could have sections of the universe made of antimatter, though they have yet to be observed. But the point is they react chemically (with other anti-matter) the same was normal matter does.
  24. Causeless, No. Spontaneous, Yes.
  25. Not just charge, is opposite, but lepton and baryon numbers are also opposite for anti-matter. Pi-0 are also their own antiparticle.
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