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Everything posted by Riogho

  1. The photon has no rest mass. It does however, have mass.
  2. Riogho


    Every movement is caused by force. Which is in turn caused by a force, and so on. Supposedly we can track this all the way back to the big bang. If we reallllly wanted too.
  3. Diversity enactments are retarted. Because we all know true diversity is the color of people's skin, not different thinking styles.
  4. Theory that is correct matters.
  5. Scattering experiments have shown that quarks and leptons are "pointlike" down to distance scales of less than 10−18 m (or 1/1000 of a proton diameter). The momentum uncertainty of a preon (of whatever mass) confined to a box of this size is about 200 GeV, 50,000 times larger than the rest mass of an up-quark and 400,000 times larger than the rest mass of an electron. Thus, the preon model represents a mass paradox: How could quarks or electrons be made of smaller particles that would have many orders of magnitude greater mass-energies arising from their enormous momenta?
  6. Just because there is a force acting in the opposite direction of gravity, and outclocking it, doesn't mean it is antigravity. It's electromagnetic repulsion.
  7. Actually, blowing a fan doesn't make water vapor produce quicker, it's just when a water molecule escapes the puddle it is in, it is of course more dense then air, so it usually falls back in. The moving air just helps it not fall back in by pushing it away before wonderous gravity takes effect.
  8. A photon is definied as a volumeless, dimensionless particle having little or no mass.
  9. Because his name blows.
  10. Riogho

    Blue Light

    It's an electromagnetic wave. They interfere with each other.
  11. CaCl formula units will get between the water molecules and and calcium will usually squeeze itself near the oxygen (partial charges attract), and make it hard for the water to set up a rigid structure, thus lowering it's freezing point. Or so I've been told
  12. We were doing a pathetically simple lab, it had to do with radiation shielding, we got radioactive samples, and shielded them with different materials and used a geiger counter to count... geigers Then we derived what was the best, why, etc etc edit: we had just a little bit, i think the radiation i was picking up from it from... 4 inches was 2000 'hits' on the geiger counter... But it is used to cure cancer
  13. Neutrinos have been discovered to have mass, because the math doesn't work if they don't. That is why we are looking for something beyond the Standard model (and the fact of no gravitation) Photons however, are massless.
  14. Riogho


    What is the force that causes subatomic particles to be in constant motion, you know the fact that atoms are always moving, and stuff
  15. That is why I mentioned vibrating the magnet
  16. Actually, a magnet would techincally be one, since a magnetic field creates an electric one... and so on and so force. You could vibrate a magnet quick enough to cause electric to run through a wire on the other side of the room for instance
  17. Yeah, I posted this in the general physics forum last night.
  18. Riogho


  19. I'm just doing what she told me! I told her it was a stupid definition too
  20. Why would electronegativity play a role in acid strength? There are two conclusions we might draw. First, a greater electronegativity of the atom or atoms attached to the H-O in the oxyacid apparently results in a weaker H-O bond, which is thus more readily ionized. We know that an electronegative atom polarizes bonds by drawing the electrons in the molecule towards it. In this case, the Cl in HOCl and the Br in HOBr must polarize the H-O bond, weakening it and facilitating the ionization of the hydrogen. In comparing HOCl to HOClO, the added oxygen atom must increase the polarization of the H-O bond, thus weakening the bond further and increasing the extent of ionization. A second conclusion has to do with the ion created by the acid ionization. The negative ion produced has a surplus electron, and the relative energy of this ion will depend on how readily that extra electron is attracted to the atoms of ion. The more electronegative those atoms are, the stronger is the attraction. Therefore, the OCl- ion can more readily accommodate the negative charge than can the OBr- ion. And the OClO- ion can more readily accommodate the negative charge than can the OCl- ion. We conclude that the presence of strongly electronegative atoms in an acid increases the polarization of the H-O bond, thus facilitating ionization of the acid, and increases the attraction of the extra electron to the negative ion, thus stabilizing the negative ion. Both of these factors increase the acid strength. Chemists commonly use both of these conclusions in understanding and predicting relative acid strength.
  21. Electronegativity increases the farther right and up you go. With the least being Francium and the most Flourine, there are howeever exceptions.
  22. ONe of the neutrons down quarks emit a W- particle, causing it to become an up quark. THAT makes the Neutron a Proton. Then W- then decays into an antineutrino and an electron.
  23. Communication is: The process by which one person stimulates meaning in the mind of another person through verbal and nonverbal messages. Trust me, I had to know that Word-for-Word for a class...
  24. This is totally in the wrong section
  25. Preon theories have to contend with the outlandish success of the standard model. Remember that the Standard Model predicts the electron magnet moment to an accuracy of one part in a billion. If the composite structure of the electron is not to mess up this predicion then the binding energy to hold the electron together must be around 10 trillion electron volts. Recalling energy and mass are interchangeble (e=mc^2) we would expect the electrion to weigh much more than the half a million electron-volts it actually does weigh.
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