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Everything posted by amit

  1. amit


    means each time we are attacked by an updated version of virus?
  2. amit


    we develope immunity to chikenpox etc just after first brish up but why cant same happens with common cold:cool:
  3. amit


    what about anhydrides
  4. amit


    cant ethers be prepared by clemmensen or wolf-kihsner reduction of esters if not then what is the problem:eek:
  5. what are symptomps of barbital overdose?
  6. one thing that puzzles me lot is what actually changes plane of plane polarized light when it passes through optically active solution( i.e what sort of physical activity is going on there? which is the most optically active compound known
  7. alkali metals have low electronagetivity hence they can lose electrons easily. lithium can even force hydrogen to accept electrons. to my knowledge only alkali metals form stable binary hydrides . this is because thier outer most electron is not coupled,and is effectively shielded. you shouldn't touch Na because it keeps reacting with moisture in air and can react with the same on u'r skin(i have touched it its quite hot in air).nacl is hard because of strong electrostatic attraction while Na have mettalic one.
  8. do helium form any compounds ,no matter how drastic the conditions are(one such example i found on wikipedia where it termed the compound as strongest acid with pKa -63!)
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