Here's my 20-30 minute work on this thingamabop. It was more of a puzzle solution rather than using actual science...
universe - no life doesn't mean no change
life - w/o change = death
universe - w/o change = no change
death - life w/o time
universe -w/o time = w/o life
universe = change
-universe is change and has to have time to have life
-universe doesn't have to have life (no life doesn't mean no change, but since the 'universe = change', no life doesn't mean no universe, so u don't need life for a universe)
-'no life = death = life w/o time'
-universe w/o time has no life, and no life means death
-death doesn't have change, unlike life
-since life needs change & time, universe is change and has time, so 'universe = life'
-but u don't need life for a universe, so for the universe not to have life, and to still be a universe(which is change), dead universe is w/o time, which links back to 'death = life w/o time'
-but since death doesn't have change, a dead universe means a universe w/o change & time, thus death is not a possible form of universe because it has no change
-so a universe would be w/ life, and life has change & time like a universe, however life doesn't mean change, so life doesn't excactly have change????
universe = change
life = time
death = life w/o change & time, so death is w/o universe & life
universe w/o time = w/o life = death, so universe with no life means death...makes sense
-universe now doesn't need life and/or death
-but,,, no life means death, vice versa
-so if universe has time, it has life,
-if not, it has death
-so does it or does it not have time?
-well, universe, = change, which often = life, = time, so universe has time
-since universe can also have death, it means if a person is going thru time, he is alive, but when he dies, he loses his perception of time, and thus change
-when Bob (let's just call him that) is alive, he has time and is a part of change, aka universe
-when Bob kicks the bucket, he cannot see time and change, and is gone from the universe
-Bob is now not in a universe of time, thus being dead X_x
universe is change, which is often life, which requires time, which death is without so a timeless universe is one of no change, life, and time, aka Hell.
Got it? :D
I'm sure its wrong, but I had fun working out complete nonsense.