It is quite hard to understand, this is how i see it. If on car is travelling at 70 mph and another is travelling at 100mph the first car is accellerating away from the second. A person at a stationary point observes the first car travel by and it appears to be going very fast, yet from the drivers seat on the second car the driver sees that the car appears to no be accelerating away as quickly. This is motion relative to time. But if time was relative to motion and its speed changed when a body moves then time would have a speed. So what i as saying is if we give time a speed. 1 being a body in motion at a speed of 186000 miles per second and 0 being a stationary body. When you begin to move from 0 to one time begins to accelerate less quickly from you and so its speed is slightly less. Only if it were possible to travel a speed nesicary of have a great significance to the speed of time would it be possible to prove this of course. In theory when traveling at the speed of light it would be as if the 2 cars were both traveling at exactly 80 mph realivly they would appear to not be moving at all, as if they were stationary. Yet the world around them still moves. deltaT/deltaT would = one assuming that speed had no effect on time.
Sorry, it appears that i have just accidently proved relativity. Look here where it is explained alot better. just ignore some of the later, it is more related to islam than physics.