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El Davisimo

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Wow, Jeskill, I can't thank you enough. Those videos are incredible.
  2. Wow, thanks, CharonY. That helps a bit. I appreciate it.
  3. Thanks Pwagen, This is a good start. I will read this stuff over the weekend. As for Armageddon, you can't blame the writing. It was direted by Michael Bay. He also believes massive robots all want to be GMC vehicles. And all brilliant people know that robots secretly desire to be Lambourghinis.
  4. Hello Super Geniuses (and I mean that in the highest regard), I need some really big help. I have recently been hired to pen the script for a new action/thriller motion picture, based off a very loose treatment. I am in deperate need of help as the central crux is about a drug that allows RNA to communicate with DNA in a way to cure most, if not all, disease, ailments etc etc. Please, if this is prepostuous, try not to demoralize my retardation. I am merely a writer. I have been doing some research online and to be honest, it might as well be written in ancient Greek with heiroglyphics as the footnotes. I am trying to in as simple as terms as possible, understand: A.) The difference between RNA and DNA. B.) Do they comminucate with each other? If so, how? If how, what do they communicate? C.) I understand that proteins are involved, but how? I appreciate any and all help with this matter. You brilliant folk will be saving me from smashing my head into a wall until I am fully labotomized. Thanks a bunch, David I'm so adjective, I verb nouns. www.gauchefilms.com david@gauchefilms.com
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