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Everything posted by dubois928
Well I ended up buying the SL3KW 667mhz off of ebay. When I put it in, it only gave me a sequence of beeps and the monitor did not turn on. I'm guessing it's just incompatible, or are there some settings I can change to get it working? I finally did get the computer model and motherboard number though. Comp. Model: http://support.gateway.com/support/srt/docs.asp?sn=0013940328# Motherboard Model: http://support.gateway.com/s//MOTHERBD/JABIL/4000585/4000585nv.shtml I'll try updating the bios too and see how that goes. Ken
I also need to upgrade a processor on another motherboard. This one is an Intel CA810: http://www.intel.com/support/motherboards/desktop/ca810/sb/cs-012832.htm It says that the processor connects to the motherboard through a 370-pin PPGA socket. My question is, will original FC-PGA chips work on this motherboard, as long as the specs match those in the chart? It doesn't specifically state that it's PPGA only, and since they're just variations on the same 370-pin slot, would it still work? I ask this because I can't find many regular PPGA chips that are higher than about 50mhz. Ken
Well I guess I might go with a 667mhz. There's one on ebay for about $8 including shipping. Here's the model: http://www.cpu-world.com/sspec/SL/SL3KW.html But will differences like voltage (new is 1.65, old was 2.0), core steppings, and bus speed (new is 133mhz, old was 100mhz) cause problems? I'd like to know before I actually buy it. Ken
I have a computer that I wish to sell, but before I do I want to upgrade the processor from 450mhz to 1ghz. I want to make sure that the new processor is compatible with the computer. The main thing that I'm concerned about is the difference in voltage. The specs for the two processors are here: OLD PROCESSOR: http://www.cpu-world.com/sspec/SL/SL364.html NEW PROCESSOR: http://www.cpu-world.com/sspec/SL/SL4BS.html I can't find a model number anywhere on the motherboard, but the model closest to it that I could find is the BH6 from ABIT: http://www.motherboard.cz/mb/abit/bh6.htm The difference with that one is that on mine there is only one ISA slot and the power supply connector is next to the IDE controllers. It also says that that board only supports up to 700mhz, so I may SOL on getting up to 1ghz. Thanks, Ken
Ok. I used to iron (but possibly steel) hook screws in a salsa jar with a 9v battery to try and make Iron oxide. The electrolyte was water with with a small amount of NaCl. I left it going for at least 8 hours and it built up blue-green gunk (possibly Iron hydroxide) at the anode and a bit of Iron oxide built up on the surface of the water near cathode. Here are some pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/10621876@N04/sets/72157603630450890/ I forgot to take a picture of the Iron hydroxide while it was still wet in the filter. It seems like I got a lot less out of this than it seemed I would after I turned off the electricity, also seemed like there was much more Iron hydroxide in the filter than the Iron oxide that was left after it dried overnight. I think I only got a few grams out of the whole thing. Ken Well, am I doing this correctly? And why am I ending up with so little Iron oxide? I'm now using a 12v AC to DC adapter and I am also trying evaporation instead of filtration. Ken
Wish I could use a sparkler...they're illegal in Arizona...
What would be the results of these different methods of electrolysis, all using water (and maybe a little NaCl) as the electrolyte: 1. Iron anode, Iron cathode 2. Iron anode, Copper cathode 3. Copper anode, Iron cathode 4. Iron anode, carbon cathode 5. Carbon anode, Iron cathode I am making Iron oxide and would like to know what really is going on and what methods do what. Ken
These sound like homework questions.... I don't know anything about Nucleosynthesis, but I do know that currently the rarest known element in the universe is Ununoctium, as only a few atoms have ever been made by man, and they only last for the smallest fraction of a second do to their extremely short half-lives (0.89ms). Ken
Just a thought... If someone gathered up a whole bunch of saliva, either from many people at one time or one person over several times, then submitted to electrolysis, how would the products be different from regular water? How would the bacteria/enzymes react? I suppose it would also conduct better than regular water (distilled, tap, etc.)? Ken
Is there a way to neutralize the sodium chloride from the sodium chlorate?
And I can make sodium chlorate for electrolysis of a sodium chloride solution? But can I just use any cathode/anode for that? And then what would I do to make sodium perchlorate from the chlorate? Thanks, Ken
Is there a way to make Potassium perchlorate from Potassium chlorate, or would it be easier to make it from mixing solutions of Sodium perchlorate and Potassium chloride? Also, the latter causes the formation not only of Potassium perchlorate but also Sodium chloride. How would I go about separating the two? Thanks, Ken
I think that would be quite hard to find. You might try making it yourself from Uranium metal and Nitric acid, but I don't know the correct procedure and I'm not sure of the legality of it... As for the yellowcake I believe that is illegal to own and even harder to find/make. Ken
Is the purchase of Iodine (crystals) banned in the US? Also do stores track purchases of substances such as Iodine Tincture? I've bought six 30ml bottles in the past month in a half (three at a time). Would that look suspicious? I use tinc. to make Iodine crystals. It's sad to see chemicals getting harder and harder to get a hold of for the home chemist due to all these drug and explosives makers. Ken
What are the products left over after a 'Negative X' (fire starts water) reaction? (ie what is the crusty grey compound?) Zinc oxide? Thanks, Ken
Nostradamus was right about one thing....the village idiot Ken
Great! Thanks everyone! Ken
Thanks YT. Off to make/find nitric acid! Ken
When I have something to say, whether it be witty or informative, I just gotta say it! Ken
Be EXTREMELY careful when using this method and have adequate protection. I once tried this and it was either heated too rapidly/too much and the alcohol in the tincture exploded in the test tube, and caught my hand and a rag on fire and stained my clothes. Unfortunately this was in the presence of my mother and she banned me from going into my lab for several weeks.... Ken
Actually the the magnetic field of earth (and thus the mag. poles) reverse quite frequently on a geologic scale. Ken
lol nobody knew about myspace back in 2004.
Yet adding zinc or magnesium to HCl doesn't result in fire/explosion. Or is it the reactivity of the alkali metal that results in such? Ken
I guess it would be the trioxide. I've looked up ways to make nitric acid and I might try that or I'll just buy some online. What would be the rest of the process? Ken Nevermind I found it in the link you gave me. Thanks YT! But still, how could I make the oxide? would heating in slowly and allowing the vapors to condense (say on the bottom of a metal lid with ice on it) form the oxide? Ken
Precipitating a Compound from a Solution
dubois928 replied to dubois928's topic in Inorganic Chemistry
Thanks guys. The MgCl2 scenario was just an example really. Though out of curiosity what would be the ratio of Magnesium metal to Hydrochloric acid? Ken