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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. what are they can anyone name them
  2. where the homework help section too????????????????????????/
  3. common im no good at science then i come here and get trashed god u guys are ss nice
  4. ur faace is a moral LoL no j/k
  5. cruel is right
  6. very cruel
  7. yah thats right
  8. if u smart u willl be able to put a sentence or 2 down for each for theses things dont worry there all pretty easy 1) what 2 things must occure for worok to be done? 2) How would u calcualte the mechanicle advantage of a machine 3) Name 6 types of simple machine and a example for each 4) What are the functions of a simple machine 5) wich simple machines can produce and speed advantage and wich can produce a force advantage 6) what is the diffrence between a wedge and a inclined plane? now of course if u get 3 u get 50% i knew 5
  9. well I just have a COUPLE of questions to ask a bit of stuff i would like to know about matter and mixtures like distillation ..etc When is distillation effective? Describe 3 ways to seperate a solution Explain the diffrence bettween dilute and concentratedsolutions Qaulitive and Qauntitive observations???? Factors that affect the rate of dissolving Explain distillation in detail
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