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Everything posted by zule

  1. zule


    iNow, thank you for this beautiful link. I like it very much. I have sent it to a friend who has to teach a class about this. What a pity that her alums can’t read in English! But anyway she can show the movie and explain it herself.
  2. zule


    Why have you pasted this specific piece of information? Is it related to the question you make below? Or did you want to discuss this paragraph? Sorry. I don’t understand the question. Why would the fluid congest? Ions go across the membrane. For example, Na+ enters into the cell disrupting the resting potential and creating in this way an action potential. This action potential then travels along the cellular membrane. Ions can’t stay into the membrane because the membrane is a very polar one. They cross the membrane through specific channels.
  3. zule


    As Psycho has said, all cells have Na+/K+ pumps which create an electrochemical potential between the inside and the outside of the cell. The electrical current is produced when, due to the opening and closing of ionic channels, this resting potential is disrupted. This electrical current can be driven to the neighbouring cells directly or indirectly. We can compare our body with our house. Most of our house is air, which is a very bad electrical conductor. However, a lot of electrical devices work in our house: electricity is transmitted. We can consider that a neuron is an electrical device, being the axon the wire. When a lightning hits on our house, all the connected devices can be broken down. It's electricity, but so much uncontrolled electricity is bad for our house. On the same way, a 220V electrical current can “break down” our cells.
  4. [hide] O T T F F S S E E N [/hide]
  5. battle front?
  6. Don’t worry; you are not annoying at all. x is the amount of raw apples you roast. The raw apples are the reactives. The roast apples are the products. After “roasting” x reactives, you will have the initial amount of reactives minus x. Those x reactive amount have been transformed in products, so you will have the initial amount of products plus x. Kc is bigger than one and the number of moles than react are the same than the number of moles than are produced. As we start with more moles in the left part of the reation than in the right one, the reaction will have to go towards the right part: the amount of ethanoic acid an ethanol are going to decrease because they are going to be converted on ethyl ethanoate and water. So both the ethyl ethanoate and the water will increase its number of moles in the same amount than they decrease in ethanoic acid an ethanol.
  7. You have ten raw apples and two roast apples. You roast three of the raw apples. How many raw and roast apples do you have? Raw apples 10-3=7 Roast apples 2+3=5 The Kc is calculated multiplying the concentration in the equilibrium of the products and dividing this result by the multiplication of the reactive concentrations in the equilibrium.
  8. Firstly, you have to think that if the reactives decrease, the products of the reaction have to increase. On the other hand, if you make square roots in one equation, you have to be sure that you do it to both sides of the equal, so the equation remains the same.
  9. Why don’t start reading at the moment you add the hydrogen peroxide? Or still better, after adding the monooxygenase. Then you read the plate until the absorbance stars to decrease and choose the maximum value to make the calculations.
  10. zule


    In fact, althouh in the past the amoeba was concidered as an animal, nowadays is not classified as that. So, it's neither a plant, nor an animal, but the amoeba doen't have chloroplasts.
  11. I think that the faster way of prompting this evolution would be the human hand: Humans would cut most of the trees down, so the birds couldn’t stop there to rest when flying. On the other hand, men also would have finished with all the bird land predators, so the birds could stay on land easily.
  12. There are since about 30 years ago, watches that work thanks to the pulse. It was about time that this idea (body work/energy for artificial items) would expand.
  13. I suppose that a new conception in biological chemistry has to be very long. But at least you might share here part of it and depending on the answer of people to continue posting about your conception.
  14. There are widespread theories about silicon based life http://nai.nasa.gov/astrobio/feat_questions/silicon_life.cfm These hypotheses have too much incoherence despite the fact silicon has quite common characteristic with carbon. So I find it difficult to imagine a life based on compounds as sulphur, arsenic or iron, much more different from the carbon. Can you provide any information which this idea is based on?
  15. It could be in the spacecraft a smoking room perfectly isolated from the rest. So, you only have to clean the air of that room.
  16. Can the HIV virus be integrated in the DNA of the sperm cells? Could you provide any link that treats about this discovery? In fact, CD4 and AIDS can be separated from the sperm http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17721098?ordinalpos=5&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum Anyway, how does your post relate to the OP? I don't understand
  17. In fact, we don’t even need your sperm: It could be created a woman joining in Vitro two ovules. However, you can’t get anything if you only have spermatozoids. So, human wouldn’t disappear if all men died, but they would extinguish if all women did. But don’t worry: I won’t tell about this to any woman who really hates men
  18. Physiologically, in the exterior of the cell, there are moderate amounts of Na+ and Cl-. But Li+ is almost inexistent. So the “stop buffer” doesn’t add Cl-. It only replaces Na+ for Li+. I suppose that Li+ will be used because is the ion more similar to Na+. So, most of the extracellular medium properties are going to remain the same. But Li+ can’t join to the sites of the transporter that the Na+ does because of the size. So, it can’t provide the energy necessary for the molecule (citrate, lactate, aa..) be transported through the cellular membrane. So, the transporter doesn’t work in a medium of LiCl-
  19. I know that the spermatozoids have a half-live of 72 hours in the uterus. They can even live there for 6 days depending of factors as the acidity of the uterus. I don’t know how much time they can live in the urethra, but perhaps the half-life could be more similar to the 72 hours in the uterus than to the 4 hours in the exterior.
  20. In physiological conditions, the concentration of sodium (Na+) is higher in the exterior of the cells than in the inner. Because of that and because the potential of the cell is negative regarding the exterior, the transport of Na+ into the cell is favoured and produces energy. Many of the membrane transporters use this energy for transporting other substance which transport is not favoured by gradient. Usually, the transport of one or several Na+ (and/or other ions) in favour of gradient prompts a molecular change in the transporter that allows the transport of the target molecule. The lithium (Li+) doesn’t adjust itself to the transporter to produce the conformational change that would allow the transport of the molecule which it works for. So, when we replace the NaCl for LiCl, these transporters don’t work.
  21. You have to weight up pros and cons: If you have a terrible depression which doesn’t get better with any treatment, perhaps it is better to take risks than to live with that. If someone has Alzehimer, we know that with the present treatments he is going to be everyday worst. If you use this treatment (in the case that be proven that it really works), perhaps you stop the progression of the disease. It can go wrong and the patient go worst before time, so the probabilities would have to be known to act accordingly.
  22. Agarose gels are usually run horizontally, whereas polyacrilamide ones are done vertically. In this way, the samples in the agarose gel are put into wells which are higher than wide. After that, those samples are going to run horizontally, so, all the volume of a sample practically starts “the race” at the same position. In the polyacrilamide gels, wells are also higher than wide, but they are going to run vertically. So, the proteins in the sample which are on the bottom of the well “play with advantage” regarding the ones which are on the surface. The mission of the stacking gel is to concentrate the proteins, so that when the sample arrives at the running gel they are practically in the same line, so the ones on the bottom “don’t play with advantage”. The stacking gel is especially important if there is put a big volume in each well.
  23. Polydipsia (excessive thirst) can be caused for many reasons. The solely fact of drinking too much stimulates the thirst sensation; other frequent reasons could be the excessive production of chatecolamines in stressful situations or simply having too much salt or smoking. Of course, if you drink too much water, you have to eliminate that liquid, so, you will have polyuria (production of large volume of dilute orine). However, you also could have diabetes and I would hardly recommend you to go to a doctor. I don’t know how much it costs (in my country is free for everybody), but I’m sure that you can do without other much more unimportant things and spend your money in what really is worth: your health. You can carry a normal life if you have diabetes and you are treated for it. But it you wait for more time with this disease your body will be deteriorating.
  24. Well, I have already written several posts. But as I was supposed to be here only to do a question about BDSM and biochemistry, I didn’t introduce myself. Being that I have got addicted to this forum , I think it will be a good idea to do it. I am a biochemist, from Spain, bad in English but trying to improve… and, as I have seen that it is so important here, I’m a girl.
  25. I have found this http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/bv.fcgi?highlight=recruitment,nerve&rid=spinalcord.section.2960#2967 “It must be remembered, however, that nearly all muscles receive innervation from more than one spinal cord segment. Consequently, unless both the spinal cord segments supplying the recorded muscle are involved, and all the AHCs within them are destroyed, the CMAPs are more likely to be of low amplitude than to be unelicitable. Also, the CMAP amplitudes in these instances are affected by the duration of the lesion, particularly if the latter is incomplete. This is because a variable number of the denervated muscle fibers in the recorded muscle will be reinnervated by sprouts arising from intramuscular axons whose cell bodies in the spinal cord were not injured. Under these circumstances, although the number of motor axons supplying the recording muscle remains severely reduced, the number of innervated muscle fibers in the recorded muscle that can respond to nerve stimuli increases. As a result, the CMAP responses, which for the first few months after onset of symptoms were quite low, will slowly begin to increase in amplitude.” AHCs: alpha motor neurons CMAP: muscular action potential As you can move your arm, both spinal cord segments weren’t destroyed. And spreading of nerves take a long time. So, I think you could be in the stage in which the cells have practically been reinnervated but muscles have still to recuperate more. I think that your arm will continue improving, but slowly.
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