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Stephen Tuck

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Everything posted by Stephen Tuck

  1. Sorry, I thought you might be interested in seeing the completion of Einstein's work on the "Theory of Everything" considering your interest in understanding what defines genius. His name is synonymous with genius because of his great abilities (which I also have due to our evolutionary, neurobiological link to Neanderthals). I am also quite certain the modern phychological diagnosis of this condition is Aspergers Syndrome. I can tell you that IQ tests are quite worthless when it comes to measuring intelligence. There is the intelligence of mathematicians and engineers that can solve problems with known solutions, and then there is the intelligence that is able to figure out solutions to problems previously unknown. I think problem-solving skills are much more important than knowing large volumes of data. It is the ability to make connections that other people can't make (in which details can really matter). I can program a computer to solve problems at much greater speed, efficiency, accuracy, and lower cost of existing knowledge. However, I can't program one to solve the mysteries of the universe. I can tell you that I am a slow reader and not a fast test-taker, I would probably only score above average on an IQ test, and I have absolutely no college. However, I correctly determined how the universe worked theoretically, then developed a new equation to prove it, from which I read to unravel all the mysteries of the universe. I can prove the equation through Dimensional Analysis. I know how energy correlates to length (of which I actually defined what is length), and I can even mathematically prove that time is a dimension. All that is important because it helps mankind not only technologically, but also to understand what really makes a genus such as Einstein. You may have a different opinion on what makes a genus. I only know of my intellectual gift and of Einstein's. Einstein spent 30 years working on the Theory of Everything. I am 30 years old and finished it in 1.5 years. The only thing lacking is fully expanding my equation into the "Equation of Everything," which I would gladly do is I had the time, money, and environment conducive to finishing my research. Eccentric geniuses are overbalanced in certain areas and deficient in others. I am audacious because I have a passionate persuit of my work, such an incredible knowledge of the universe, and exceptional accomplishments. That gives me great strength to fight for recognition of my work for the benefit of mankind. If I lacked such confidence and boldness then I certainly couldn't overcome the obstacles for which I face in the politics of science. Nothing is above corruption, not even science. I have gone through intense mental and emotional pain and suffering that made me into what I have become (which my theories were a convenient distraction). It defined my philosophy: "Strength of Mind and Strength of Heart; Question Everything and Trust No-one." That allowed me to see the errors made in science and accomplish more than I ever thought possible!
  2. I absolutely agree. The language of science is math. Over the last year and a half, I have persued and completed the "Theory of Everything" from a mathematical standpoint. Really, the equation I developed guided my efforts. I was lucky enough that my theories were initially correct, but the equation really helped to unravel the mysteries of the universe. I have really run out of mysteries to explore. The only thing that remains is expanding the equation into the Equation of Everything that unites all the fundamental forces and laws of nature. Conceptually, I know how to proceed and have seen parts of this great equation. However, it is a massive equation that would entirely fill a blackboard. It would include Deterministic Quantum Mechanics through the Dirac Equation (since the Dirac Equation is a pseudo-relativistic varient of my equation: the Tuck-Einstein Equation), Electrodynamics and Gravitation through the velocity variable, Entropy through an Entropic equation, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity (since it is an equation of Special Relativity), the Standard Model of Physics, and a modified version of String Theory. What is interesting is that my equation is the base equation of the Theory of Everything and defines the very dimensions of time and space. In fact, the equation can be proven through Dimensional Analysis because it defines the very system of measurement. I have learned so much like that energy is length (since the Length Contraction equation is defined within my equation), that both matter and space consist of photons that combine together (decreasing frequency - the time-component) and increase mass (which is the space-component) through the "Lorentz Mechanism" that replaces the theoretical Higg's Mechanism. I've also learned and defined the boundaries of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and learned the geometry of the universe through my equation (which is a conic section). My work is really too much to explain in only a few pages. The most challenging thing I have now is to write a perfect manuscript teaching my knowledge from the ground up for publication in a scientific journal. Additionally, science is political and I will have to fight for recognition of my work (especially since I have never been to college). The great genius of Einstein was in his DNA. Genetically, I was fortunate to share his traits. Just recently I learned from a Time magazine article that he had a occipital protuberance on the back of his head. I have the same thing on the back of mine. It is a Neanderthal genetic trait. He recieved his Neurobiological DNA from his Jewish ancestory, while I recieved mine from my red hair (a recessive gene passed down from Neanderthal origin). Therefore, I would tell your friend that if she wants a genuis then perhaps she should look for a redhead. Below is my equation and a link to my ToeQuest thread where I have documented all of my work along the way. I post it online so that if something should happen to me, that my work would not die with me (because it is too important to the technological advancement of mankind). http://www.toequest....rything-55.html
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