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  1. My friend called me up a few minutes ago ranting about how his co-worker had told him that as recently as two weeks ago a new discovery was made, in which us earthlings unearthed a separate universe and found earth like planets within it.... I don't see how this is possible, and upon scouring the net I found nothing at all... I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard something along these lines..
  2. Yes, the Big Bang is something that simply "seems to have happened". There are multiple ideas as to what happened. The only thing we can be quite positive about is that it didn't just randomly occur without a cause, we just don't know what the cause is for sure, because obviously, we cannot separate ourselves from the confines of this universe and peer beyond it. The fact that the Big Bang "seems to have happened" implies to me, that there is existence beyond what we call "the universe".
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