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  • Lepton

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I don't know how to do the multi quote. I can't pull up some sites as desktop. I can only do it as mobile over there. Where can I find good physics colleges that are public for a BS degree? How hard would it be for Caltech if I went to a local CC to build a background, and without taking any such High School testing, or courses in HS? I graduated from HS in June of 10 years ago which was 2001. Hey timo, Did you give up on me about questions, and helping me? Are you letting someone else help me now?
  2. Thank you to the both of you. @timo, 1.) I am on an iPhone, so I am a member of that site, but my iPhone won't pull up a desktop site. I stopped posting over there a few months ago. 2.) What are some other forums that knows what they are talking about? College confidential is out of the picture. They made fun of me. A moderator had to do something. They were calling me predgigstuos. Of course, I'm not that way. Unfortunately, moderators over there can't discuss what actions she took. That's what she told me in PM when I said thank you. Do you have any other good forums?
  3. Hey everyone, I'm in the USA, but Happy Thanksgiving to all!!! What public schools did everyone attend for an undergraduate BS degree, and then moved towards the graduate level of a PhD in theoretical string theory/theoretical particle physics theory? In otherwords, whatever school you guys went too, was it an excellent college that gets you ready for more advanced work such as going deep out into the string theory field? Or was the college didn't know how to teach a class by having poor reputation, and the college was more on the academic level rather then heavy physics? I never took my SAT's, or any kind of testing like that. I have plans on going to a local Community College by building a background. What would be a good shot where I would get accepted as a transfer from a CC for a BS degree that has what I'm looking for to get into schools where you guys have went? Or there is no chance at all?
  4. Hi, I kind of understand what Environmental Engineering is but not really. Besides being a weather man, what does a meteorology do? What is and what does Air Quality Meteorologists do? What does a Nuclear Engineering do? I understand they use Math in their own way so out of them 3 degrees what has the most Math? I also understand that Penn State has and many of campuses through PA. It's hard to get into main campus I hear. Possibly in 6 months or less (just a guess) might move to Philadelphia, PA. So what is Penn State good for them 3 majors I listed? If a college is out of PA it can NOT at all be about 3 hours or more. If anything possibly like 1 or 1:30 roughly. If I did chose Penn State for Nuclear Engineering, does that college offer a concertration of fusion? I think that is all my questions.
  5. Phi for All, Did you get my PM with the list of questions?
  6. What is this job about? http://jobsearch.usajobs.opm.gov/getjob.asp?JobID=64800748&brd=3876&AVSDM=2007%2D11%2D02+00%3A00%3A07&sort=rv&vw=d&Logo=0&FedPub=Y&pg=2&jbf571=9&lid=17514&FedEmp=Y&ss=0&TabNum=2&rc=2
  7. Oh let's back up and by the way thank you. What does office air conditioning do? What does designing habitats do? I really want to study in Environmental Engineering.
  8. Hi, Does anyone live in the USA and is familar with EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)? In order to get in and have these types of majors I am going to list below, what is the difference between these majors and what kind of jobs is offered normally? Please reply back ASAP. Environmental Studies Environmental Engineer Environmental Science Chemical Engineering
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