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Everything posted by CrazCo

  1. I thank you all. These ALL helped enormously. If you have any specific articles you particularly find interesting let me know at your convenience as well!
  2. I need to find some articles on biology/medicine and I am wondering if you know any magazines/websites I could find some off. They have to be current. The reason I ask is I don't want an unreliable website.
  3. Respond to stimuli point: very true. I didn't consider that. Thanks.
  4. that's what i was thinking.. highly unlikely but probably possible which got me thinking... would it be possible for them to have dreams?
  5. Just wondering if this is possible.
  6. http://starbulletin.com/2005/07/10/features/memminger.html
  7. According to studies. It isn't for homework so don't bash me with complaints.
  8. Me and my brother did it for like months straight. It's not worth melting your brain over.
  9. Thanks! I got away with only taking biology, chemistry and environmental sciences next year, so buh bye physics.
  10. haha
  11. I come here for confirmation of my searches. But this may as well go the archives because I already passed in my work and am confident of a 100%.
  12. it is so hard ! i got to like lvl 20 and called it quits.
  13. Thanks! Seems I'm in luck. I'm with you dessum, biology is just not my thang.
  14. Would you please stay out of my threads. All you do try to make people feel stupid. I was listing the popular results I got from asking others. My final answer will remain unknown. Done and done sir. No worries I think my answer is correct. Thanks though.
  15. It's ok , I appreciate your help
  16. Lol, I always get it done no worries. Of course I research myself people, I just like having the comfort of verification from the science "gurus" if I may. Btw I am done this and I am nearly certain I will get 100%, but I appreciate the lectures.. no worries. I won't worry about university until I am there.. I mean if I can not study and make the high honors list, why not continue what's working? I figure if I study I will begin to over think things and get stuff wrong.
  17. Thanks. The 3 popular results are the one I previously named. This one: Zygote>Cleavage>Embryo>Blastulation>Gastrulation>Adult>Meosis>Fertilization And: Fertilization>zygote>Cleavage>Blastulation>Gastrulation>Embryo>Adult>Meosis
  18. I have received so many mixed results in searches for this I figured I'd ask the experts. According to DEVELOPMENTAL sequence place these in the CORRECT order. Cleavage, Meosis, Blastulation, Gastrulation, Zygote, Embryo, Adult, Fertilization Is it Fertilization, Zygote, Cleavage, Embryo, Blastulation, Gastrulation, Adult, Meosis?
  19. It's all in memory. I go to class, listen and remember everything said.
  20. studying is non-existant in my schedule, and i have never failed anything maybe i will get a reality check in university
  21. Why are the intelligent so ignorant j/k thanks for the help. Narrowed down, any takers?
  22. Thank you. Is there any particular reason for this?
  23. I live in Canada. Certain places have english and french as their official language. But I adore language. I am trilingual and on my way to mastering a fourth.
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