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  1. Imagine the world as a compass you see on a boat, you know the one that is a little ball and it is floating in water. Ok so picture the planet earth as that compass, so it's floating there and something huge comes along like a commet ramming into the earths atmosphere or an earthquake but something be enough to really rattle earth to its core. Maybe something strong enough to make the planet start to sway, ok so picture the compass when the boat gets rocky and how the ball of the compass is roling around and swaying back and forth. Now picture the planet earth doing that after it was hit by this massive thing or even an act of nature. So the planet is sitting there swaying back and forth until everthing settles down and it finds it's center or for the compass example till it finds it's north. For the earth since it is on a much larger scale the sway time to go back and forth till it centers itself could take months or even years. If this theory hold any water it would explain many this. I would love to hear from you about this.
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