Thanks for looking at this. Does it work? (I believe parts are from Einstein)
Suppose everything is allotted a certain amount of energy: c=speed of light. Suppose that this energy could be expended in to ways:
1. Movement through space.
2. Moment through time.
Suppose also that all of this energy must be expended. Therefore since we can only control moment through space, all reaming energy moves through time. Hence, the closer to light speed the slower through time, and voilà, speed-time dilation! But what about gravitational time dilation? We know light is bent by gravity. So in the presence of gravity light is ever so slower. In a singularity it stops. A singularity is thought to be the end of time and space. That would make sense since there is no energy. So since light is slowed the amount of energy per mass decreases. This leads to gravitational time dilation.