If a circuit is needed you will have to start with a circuit diagram. The first symbol could be a symbol for a D.C. power source and in the physical world you may want to find a supplier for a good transport battery and charging equipment.
swansont, no doubt, had in mind the following,
................................ E = 0.1 kW*1h = 0.1 kWh ................................
Elementary, my dear swansont !
A way to circulate the water to have a more even temperature of the coolant is usually used. This may be a triviality to you but some calorimeters have an electric motor which connects to a shaft through cogs or tensioned elastic and at the end is a small paddle. But, as you use the paddle to move the coolant around you are providing a heat source which you must then factor into your calculations.
Have a look at some older ( 100 years ) designs of steam boilers and you may get some good thoughts for heat transfer!
I've looked around a little and here is something interesting.
I think this might be the type of method you are recommending. I think this person is trying to extract some Potassium Chloride from a
Potassium Chloride/Sodium Chloride/Water mixture. Is this person obtaining what he thinks he is obtaining by solubility differences or
is he actually obtaining a mixture of salt crystals?
Hello everybody , I have a container with 20 grams NaCl and 20 grams KCl in 1 litre water . Is it possible to separate the Natrium salt and the Kalium salt and the Water to easily have the 3 materials individually ? Thanks in advance .
Iran has the plane , is having a look to see how it all works and the USA has undoubtedly brought forward advances in Iranian Technology . Well done USA ! , how can you ask the world to sell the Iranians nothing advanced when this is your hypocritical stance ?
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