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Everything posted by Kbzon59

  1. Well, i think taht by the time a male specimen of the human species reaches the staus of man, (that is adulthood) and "straightness" is strongly established, he usually has a certain degree of homophobia. However I don't think that that homophobia must be understood in the dramatic way that it usually is. What I mean is taht usually, straight men will prefer the company of other straight man to the company of gay men. if that fits as homophobia, then yes, staright men are inherently homophobic. By the way, is homophobia really a phobia? Phobos stand for fear, but homophobia is normally used as a synonim of hate towards homosexuals.
  2. Love between homosexual individuals is quite new as an idea reckoned by society. If you think about the lack of the possibility of "gay love" has forged or helped forge many of the stereotypes for the representatives of the gay community. One of the most damaging stereotypes is that of the 'bed hopping gay', taht said that homosexual man and woman were only interested in getting laid by anyone or anything, without any caution. The 1980 AIDS outbreak in the gay community fueled, under some peoples view, this idea, since tehy blamed promisicuuity for such outbreak. So the idea of true love between two individuals of the same sex, at least socially, is quite new. the term "gay couple" is not more than 20 years old. before that gay people were seen as a huge community of one night standers.
  3. I am not saying that since the hunting buddies scenario is outdated, homosexuality is useless. I am saying that socially its was always useless, but that the point of it has evolved. Homosexuality is no longer the method for men (not women, since they, in the past, did not hunt) to come together and coordinate for hunting or for war. Currently, homosexuality fills a different role, a role that mainly had been left for the oppsite sex in every particular case. it is not that homosexuality is useless, it mainly is that it's current point and goal, compared to that of hunting closeness, is quite new. In other words, homosexuality involving love, is quite new to the world. On the friendship issue, I think we have a problem. I don't thionk you understood what I mean with buddies. I mean compadres, a man or woman (comadres) so close to your heartm taht he actually becomes yopur brother or sistyer. I am not saying taht homosexual man cant have man friend, but i am saying taht in many cases, such friendship never reached such levels.
  4. 1. I never said anything about usefulness and homosexuality. There is no relation in taht. I agree with yoyu that the usefulness of a person to society is not related to their gender" (you mean sexual, right?) preferences, and I dont know where did you extract that I did not (agree with you in taht). 2.- i am not talking about stereotypes, I am talkiing seriuos, just ask around. Don't dicard things just because they are not totally truth. That's what I added "in most cases" 3. I am not drawing conclusions, nor saying that homosexuals are socially inferior ,nor phisicallly inferior. When did I say it? 4. Heterosexuality, by itself, is not socially useful, nor is homosexuality. Actually sex, is only useful for its role in the perpetuaation of the species, and taht can be done independently of the sexual orientation. 5. So in the end, you agree taht gay people and straight men react different? Because taht was my point. 6. I am to lazy to write "gay people" or "gay men and women", so when i say gay men, you read "gay people"
  5. Me too: Clear eyed brunettes, black hair, not shades of brown
  6. Freeman, understand this: This thread is based in jokessssssssss! This in not as seriuos as other threads!!!!!!!! And yes, Pamela's wealth and the characters that she has played reinforced that
  7. Blond are not supposed to be dumb. Fake blondes are. And it is because these girls are so shallow and stupid that they think that being brunettes won't let them be someone in life (most likely Pamela Anderson clones). They guess that they must be blond and huge breasted to be starlet. they don't have enough brain to be anything else.
  8. Aadvark made an interesting point, but I think that the relation between hunting safety-homosexuality is in the past. Today, every straigt man has a "buddy", a pal, a compadre, a best friend, which fills such a role, together with the father. I don't pretend to speak with the whole truth, but if you look into it, most straight man have that pal, or a circle of "guys" (like, mom, I'm gonna play Nintendo with the guys" or "Hon, I'll be at the bar with the guys", and many gay men lack this "co-teching" of "straigtenness". On Sayonara's "repulsion" point, you can't forget that the repuslsion that is felt in each case seem to be quite different in cause: one is caused by sheer repulsion and/or fear of actually becoming gay by thinking it, while the other seems to be caused by a "no thanks" philosophy.
  9. Clones will be used for spare parts. While it's is shocking that everyone will have a clone of one self for such purposes, the truth is that people wont' be cloned: organs will be cloned and used in surgery
  10. Homosexuality, I think is a choice: that is why there more amercian gay men, tahn muslim or other religions openly gay men, for the amercians it is a cghoice, for others it is a sin. Of course, it is not like "today i'll be gay" or so, but it is a choice. And I don't think it is perversion or something like taht
  11. A couple of things: While maybe 10% of the population could be gay, i think you should realize that the percentage is queite different in different countries: while maybe in the USA 10 or so percent of the population may be coming out of the closet, in Mexico or some other country lije Iran, China or so, the percentage will be much lower. i know what wou will say: that the percentage of men accepting their homosexuality does not have anything to do with the percentage of men who are actually gay. I disagree; in USA, being gay is more of an option, in other countries, being gay is just something that happens. About the jokes, they exist for two reasons,mainly: a)people fear those who are different. After a while, fear turns into jokes. Hence, jokes about jewish, polishi, blondes (no fear on this one), black people (in preslavery days). and b) many of them are funny!!!!!!!! By the way I am not homophobic or anything like taht. I am not homosexual either. I defend everybodies right to do anything.
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