Hi, I’ve had a few questions that have bugged me forever (mech engineers don't talk to physicists very often) and the last one sparked my interest to register and post.
1: given that a very high energy state causes a merging to form electroweak force... and if you take black holes....add more matter, stars, other black holes, entire galaxies worth, say an entire universe worth, would that energy state they have be so high to cause a collapse of even gravity for a split second... (basically what if it didn’t start with a big bang, it just kind of collapsed into one)
2: this one I’m pretty sure has already been thought of and debated to death, but what if gravity isn’t quite a 1/r^2 but more of a 1/®^2-a, at some very high distance, it becomes an expansive pusher.
3: the potentially big one I just thought of last night... I frequently read about experiments of being able to show a light signal moving faster then c but not carry information because essentially the end point is moving faster then c but not the source (i.e. a light shockwave hitting an infinite wall appears to travel faster and faster to any observer on the wall). We also see galaxies moving away or areas of space expanding faster and faster then c..... What if the reason for that is similar, what if what we see as the universe is more or less a projection/reaction. Could matter/energy be a continuous filtration of some other events?