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Everything posted by skybender

  1. Eitherway, 98% of antidepressant and antipsychotic are turning people into sheep zombie, eitherway they're probably still depress they have to take a medicine instead of get fit, as now USA is in a depression, I bet lack of originality. I mean they're still doing fucking test on brains to figure out what schizophrenia is while they're handing medicine out like madmen. .... "Sleep Paralysis" "Narcolepsy" "Day dreams" "Hypnagogia" "Hypnopompic" Hell they don't even know what a dream is always try some psycho-babel bullshit on you.. I mean start slow .. if u write down what ur dreams really are, and keep going until you figure out, extrovert dreams vs. introvert dreams, then pmme. Disprove "The American Dream" Disprove "The Self-Made Millionare Theory"
  2. Sometimes it is and sometimes it is not, depending on how hardcore the doctors want to go, because the brain is like, 'I try to survive'!
  3. That tree philosophy, it makes a sound but the sound diminishes before it gets to the human ear, fore if the ear had heard there would be a subtle reaction in the person.. from the trees action. The birds and chipmunks they probably hear.
  4. It looks like letters wrote on matter. I might be really smart and prosperous if I solve a rubix cube, am I right? IQ illusion prophaghanda or hyped up words to make something seem different than it really is sometimes.
  5. Why the hell would it even matter, a physist knows you build personal spaceship and you fly and that's what matters.
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