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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. well, I just bought one, for under $50, so Im just waiting for it to come by mail
  2. but the only thing now is, we have to get a hold of a special medium which Lida concocted especially for this, and then grow another culture to be submitted for phage testing, and such...in order to find that one characteristic
  3. excellent, all seems to be working for me! please check for yourselves, just to make sure it works for everyone.
  4. yea, no problem. Just click the first link posted (in post #1), then on the page that comes up, directly below "Team Information" there is a button that says "Join this team", and you'll be a member
  5. But what would Guarantee that the amount of matter tranferred between the universes is exactly equal? I though too about a balance being maintained, but it would have to be down to the exact atom in order to comply with the law of conservation of matter/energy.
  6. There is nothing reall I can say that hasnt been said before. a number cannot be warped through time...it cannot have greater mass than another...its an abstract. Mathmatics as a whole is abstract! Thus, adding two apples is simply a "real world" physical intperpretation of the equation. I have two spheres (this is an abstract) one sphere is exactly like the other. Thus, x = x...now if I were to be critical, one sphere is less dense than the other...and thus x =/= y (y being the less dense sphere) Since no equation uses (x) for two different numbers (x=2 and x=7)...that would be a bit confusing, so we use x,y,z,a,b,c...ect. So if two apples are different, they would not both be represented by the same variable. and as we all know, x does not always = y
  7. What I had thought was making this phage specifically for the bacteria we've found (which we've named, but we're not yet disclosing). If the phage were to detect some unique characteristic of this bacteria, it would immediately become active, and take action, just as a virus would. But, unless that unique characteristic is detected, the phage would remain innert, and eventually die...which is not really any good for profit on our end, because each patient would only have to have 1 ever, while with antibiotics, they would have to be treated again and again...but we're not in this for the $$...for the good of mankind. Yes, it is good to find someone to indentify with. I hope where ever science takes you, you have the ability to stretch to your full potential. Good luck in all of your projects!
  8. Science of mind is what brings that which cannot be named, because structure hinders the studier from comprehending the mind in it's true state, as opposed to a bag of satsumas.5 kilos and assorted nuts and bolts which only hinders Anna Kournikova from showing her true fiendish, but perfectly shaped flask containing Ethyl Alcohol. Therefore, the only reason Weetabix lacks a certain resonance is because MUTANT TUNA FISH have taken over ScienceForums the natural mating habits of the admins breakfast cerial(s) are directly proportional to American PI. Now the evidence of this radical statement : fafalone the great is a Cerial Killer, and YT will now be castrated for spelling serial wrong. But what NavajoEverclear doesn't know is that the plan to kill his cerial takes precedence over this never-ending paragraph.And thus, we have the unfortunate situation of cerial dying horrible death alongside the Marsha Clark groupies, inside of
  9. lmao, I've go to get me one! I think I'll get bookworm or the flesh eater! lol, my sister would love that one scratch that... because of my curreny alement, Im definitely going with the common cold
  10. Ok, I was reading through a few other threads, and I wondered...does a true vacuum exist in the universe? Something completely void of matter, and filled with absolute nothingness? Im sure if such a thing did exist, matter would rush in and out, trying to fill the vacuum. Another factor I figured on is the expanding universe. With the law of conservation of matter/energy, doesnt a vacuum have to be formed at some point? What I was initially thinking was this- I have just moved something (anything) to another dimension or universe (thus defying the law of conservation of matter/energy) What space that object has just occupied is now void of anything. What are the affects on the surrounding material, or the universe as a whole? I thought of this as a situation that would play a role in time traveling...moving something from one universe to another- taking an atom away from our universe and placing it in another. Also what would be the affect upon the universe at which it comes to rest? would it move matter out of the way, making room for itself? So many questions, so few physicists (Im sry if there is an obvious answer to these questions...Im sick, and tired, and more to the point, not thinking well )
  11. geez, this is almost like a debate on topicality (if you dont know what I mean, then well, look it up) Let's say that there were simply absolute nothingness in the box...does the nothingness exist? I think that was the main question to begin with. I honestly dont have a good answer, as I have never thought about having absolutely nothing in a box before.
  12. I just did a current event on this type of thing...I suggest checking out the link- http://www.newscientist.com/hottopics/tech/article.jsp?id=99996362⊂=Nanotechnology Negative charge for 0 and a positive charge for 1 (or visa versa) still, its an incredible concept
  13. Whats the link to it? I found this as a sweet link on YT's site. Very cool http://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/uncgi/Earth/action?opt=-p Click "Choose satellite" to get a whole bunch! I think it's pretty cool to have them...If I had the approval, I'd send an immaging satellite up in a second.
  14. Up da voltage! and if they explode...send pics!
  15. technological perfection is not possible
  16. Nothing wrong with a little politeness personally, i say "why you're very much welcome" every time it thanks me
  17. I mean, I understant why people do it, but for me, it's just not really necessary. My computer is beneath my desk, so it would be just about useless. I might get a water cooler system in there, but my box doesnt bother me. Sure, if I won something like a free new box, I wouldnt turn it down, but for the mean time, mine doesnt bother me.
  18. Ive got a quick question. I was thinking about buying a green laser pointer. Are they really that much better than classic red ones? If yes, how so?
  19. supposedly there are awards for your points, but I really have no idea what they are. Im makin nothing off this deal I just figured, since every other forum had teams, why shouldn't SFN? Since we are SCIENCE Forums
  20. WOW!! has anyone seen the new format for the "application" visual for UD yet? It's very..."groovy" Kinda cool tho, it's a step up from the last one (if you dont have it yet, you probably will when your comp sends off the last packet.)
  21. WOW!! has anyone seen the new format for the "application" visual for UD yet? It's very..."groovy" Kinda cool tho, it's a step up from the last one (if you dont have it yet, you probably will when your comp sends off the last packet.)
  22. Never really understood mods. I mean, sure, they're cool looking, but why? I have a tower with like 8 ports in the front, 4 USB, a USB hub like like 8 more, and Ive got 1024 ram with 3 more open slots, so Ive got plently of room to expand. I wouldnt mind having the ugliest box ever, but as long as it runs like I want, I would love it. "It's what's on the inside that counts"
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