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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. thanks to you man
  2. well, i got it about half an hour ago. It really doesnt happen often to me maybe three times a month, and after maybe two more "refresh" clicks, things begin to work again.
  3. hell, Id be impressed with whoever creates something capable of that, no matter where they live!
  4. here's my question...does gravity affect something on a molecular level? Does a molecular change, or movement need to take place for gravity to work? Not to my knowledge.
  5. I realize that many people dont have a good idea as to what UD is. It's a lot like folding, but with a different format. http://www.grid.org/about/ They're currently supplementing many projects...just check out their website for more info on that- http://www.grid.org/home.htm
  6. Thanks much man It's really incredible what new research reveals about possible treatments for common diseases w/ stem cells. I honestly dont see any logical explanation for why people disagree with it
  7. I really REALLY dont think that if you were to find some incredible way to go back in time (Im not ruling it out, but it is rather improbable) Then, in my opinion, you could not change the present in our dimension. If you refer to one of my first posts, I follow the pathways theory in which each alteration the path splits (not phisically- as Yourdadonapogos said, they're all relative) So you may in theory be able to change the future of another pathway, but ours will always stat the same. (Unless when you disappear, you create a vacuum and destroy the univer- but that's a little farfetched )
  8. I became interested in the concept a while back. I thought it was genius- sending packets of info to thousands of computers, for the greater good- awesome concept. SETI is not scientifically outstanding, but it's still a good goal. Folding is an awesome project, same with UD. All for the good of mankind, and it's good to have that sense of involvement, even if you're not exactly one of the top researchers on staff, you're still processing the info
  9. Actually http://www.chemsoc.org is a very good student resource for all kinds of things.
  10. For the best general element resources- http://www.chemsoc.org/viselements/
  11. I would like to know any pro's opinion on stem cells, and the morals it involves.
  12. Well, I figured, since we now have a Folding@home team, why not have a UD team too? So, I made one http://www.grid.org/services/teams/team.htm?id=399A2A49-BA89-4767-B7AA-60DA11FCC51F And if anyone does not have UD, then you can easily download here http://www.grid.org/download/gold/download.htm Join up, make a difference!
  13. If anyone does not have Folding@Home, then please click the link below http://folding.stanford.edu/download.html and download which ever one applies to you Once you have downloaded it (or if you already have it), right click on the Folding@home display (the box with the visuals) and choose "configure". After the next window pops up, type in your User Name, then under team put 40636, and you're set
  14. Ladies and Gentlemen...I bring to you- Team #40636 SFNFolding http://vspx27.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.py?qtype=teampage&teamnum=40636 !!!
  15. lol, thanks man. I still think we should have an arcade, so whenever blike gets to it, I'll be happy btw- Im starting a SFN Folding@Home team and a UD team, so skip on over to those threads for some more info
  16. Hey everyone, ok, in celebration of the long history of the site, and the incredible number of posts, here, I thought "Why not have a Folding@home team, to get everyone involved?" Well, that's what Im doing right now. Here's the question...what should we name it? I'll keep everyone posted in order to keep you all up-to-date, and able to join Thanks!
  17. im sure...he seems to know everything
  18. lol, i like the ideas for the games How about "ExtraSense's Conspiracies" for a good mystery game. You would have to find clues on how there are actually toads on Mars, and flowers on Venus
  19. ok, if you wanna be all legal about it, go with a service that you have to pay for. then again, there are sources like KazaaResurrection, and Morpheus, but I would never go about the illegal way of doing things. I would much rather pay, and be legal...
  20. lol, good for you man! be the best!
  21. Im also having a chatroom problem. (I figured, since we already have a thread on it, why start another one) I just switched to Mozilla FireFox. As any FF user knows, sometimes, when you require a plugin- firefox lets you know, and installs it for you. Well, when I was using IE, i used to be able to chat on the chatroom. But now, it says that I need to download a plugin, then when I click it, it says that there are no plug ins available. What to do? (I could always switch back to IE, just for chat, but that would get annoying) Thanks!
  22. what exactly is that feeling of falling? What causes it? I love it, but it does often take me by surprise
  23. I know how it is man. Its the same here. I went from Algebra in 8th to H Geo in 9th. Then, in 10th, I'll probably have no option but to go to H Alg 2. That really sucks, but there isnt much we can do at this point. Just excell at Geo, there are dozens of awesome books out there to let you get ahead and past geometry, then on to something else. (no offense to any geometry fanatics out there) but geo isnt my passion...well math isnt my passion, but it certainly is important. If you have to do something, you might as well be outstanding at it, so you dont have to do it again
  24. ahh...all changed...much better
  25. Thanks to SubJunk, I dont have to upload the water pics; thus saving everyone some load time for the page. THANKS TO SUBJUNK! http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water01.jpg http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water02.jpg http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water03.jpg http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water04.jpg http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water05.jpg http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water06.jpg http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water07.jpg
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