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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. has anyone ever heard of interferon beta-1b (Betaseron)?? How does it work? does it work? What does it target?
  2. lol, sry. I guess i misinterpreted that one . Anyway, no, I dont have any opposition to after school scouts. It would be the same as if it were at a community center, or something. The school is not actively promoting scouts, let alone mandate it.
  3. Excuse me? What are you insisting? All im saying is that the school wouldnt be enforcing this as manditory, or even promoting this to a great extent. The boy scouts are the same! It's not a class, or a mandate for the curriculum, its outside of school. They could easily do it in a theatre, but the advertisements in the school would still be banned.
  4. lol, ya know i never did fit in Thanks man. I would gladly see both movies, to get a better perspective. Most of the people around here love f911, but would never think of the new one. I personally never saw either, but I still watch the news, and do some political research now and then; as well as the frequent political debates around here. But I like to keep an open mind, to make myself a more intelligent voter, to make the right decision
  5. thank you Pangloss! You continue to be the voice of virtue in these type of debate threads. The fact is that, if people, none mentioned here :cough, friggin cough cough:, continue to keep their minds fixed on something in a bias fashion, they cannot possibly see the other side of anything (just for the fact that they dont like being wrong). I keep my mind open to both parties. I cant say that I agree with any of Bush's domestic policies, incuding the patriot act, or outsourcing. But Kerry's Iran plan scares me to death! So I dont consider myself to be liberal or conservative, I vote on whos policies agree with mine. So, vote for me!
  6. I think that the last thing we need is more space junk, but I wouldnt mind being able to have a personal TV, radio, internet, or imaging satellite . How much do u think it would cost to get a personal imaging satellite into space? Something that I could control to watch me, or any other place on earth, up close with incredible focus and clarity :-D good to wish!
  7. lol. I just got home from the national EGR debate tournament. We got first Number 1 in the nation!!! that was truly awesome!
  8. lol. well, elections are on hand; aside from your personal opinions on who you want to win, who do you think will win the election? (after countless recounts)
  9. hmm...this looks familiar... http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?p=101187#post101187 please, for everyone's sake, if you want to make a thread about something that hasnt been disussed already, make only one
  10. lmao, GO HSR!!! Gotta love Strongbad's Emails Im droppin' scrollable science, as I scroll into the hood with all my Email clients!
  11. lmao. I once was in what is known as a "Lock in", where you and your friends are locked in a computing center, for days, taking on challenges online, and against eachother. I didnt sleep once. (then again, they had Bawls vending machines everywhere- and if you kno anything about Bawls Guarana, you know what kinda caffeinetrip you go on)
  12. well...what were the other sources. Like blike said, it sounds like an urban legend.
  13. lol, what exatly is the challenge here? Not every one of them have all full, just enough to be inert.
  14. I must say, that I sincerely disagree with Kerry's Iran Plan...give them nuclear fuel?! To "test" and enforce their "peaceful nuclear aspirations"!? Did we learn nothing from N. Korea?! At this point, Im an indifferent, but my opinion this election isn't worth spit. But in four years, I will hope that there will a better selection
  15. lol. I think its ok to post a link, you wont get in any trouble here.
  16. what the what?? how in the world did someone blow thier own brains out from heyfever??
  17. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5604 Personally, I feel that yes. I think that even though NASA is kind of in a crisis, it'll never recover, or advance if it is not funded. We dont want to lose an which would expand us from the Earth.
  18. Well would you consider electricy (electrons) as particles? Basically, it's a quantum of electromagnetic radiation.
  19. WHOA! what? that was really the 100,000th?? True 5614, it is a shame that was such a boring post SWEEEET!!!! AN ARCADE!!! I've asked sean, my flash making associate, and he's agreed to look into some cool games for the arcade. Thanks man!
  20. MolecularMan14


    lol, i realized that. but refraction can be tricky to interpret. I still think an optics section would do some good around here . I think that a flash from a camera would make a more wide light on a window, unless that window was convex to the point where it would relfect more light than the rest. But since you can see the interior of the room (or what apprears to the interior), I would assume that the light inside is on, or at least from an inside source.
  21. true, but I would assume what was stated in #16 where the substance would be diffused from an area of high concentration to that of a lower concentration. That's basically what diffusion is. Edit** What the what?! this is post number 100,000?! crossing fingers for the arcade!
  22. MolecularMan14


    well, im still a little skeptical about why a ghost would want to turn on a light in an empty building. I really dont know about ghosts. Im not saying that they would have a motive, but still haunting seems a bit childish. Then again, Im not an expert on these types of things, as Im a big skepticist
  23. MolecularMan14

    GM Foods

    I agree. As long as GM foods are regulated and thouroughly researched properly before marketing, let alone comsumption. I think everyone's main problem is the possible harms that could come about from it. But once again, if we take the time and resources to develop and research everything we do before actually market it, we would prevent this. But I understand the problems that could arise from underdeveloped countries. GM foods would be something that must be handled by appropriate, and developed nations. (something with the resources to actually make the changes necessary for a positive development)
  24. Space exploration is something that must be taken seriously. But if we are to make something useful, or worthwile, we have to make it a priority. Im not suggesting that we shift a huge multi-trillion dollar budget, but making a higher influence of it would bring new knowledge of what exactly is out there. And at this point, I would say, we need all the good knowledge we can get!
  25. Ive truly gotten sick of these "low-blow" adds. Each party is searching through the dirt and much with fine toothed combs for adhominem attacks against the others. Debate the issues, not the people supporting them! Next election, I'll be able to vote, and I'll pay more attention to the personal attacks to each candidate. But I'll be more influenced by who goes lower, and who refuses to go low at all!
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