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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. Its strange that this topic come up now. A few days ago, a few of our debaters setup a debate over this same topic. One side pointed out that the US was founded as a republic, not a democracy; mainly for organization, and power. The aff argued that the founding fathers developed this because the US citizens at that time were not as involved in the presidential events (mainly not educated). However, because of the new technologies of communications, we should amend the constitution to esablish a 1person:1 vote ratio, to make a direct election. Its a valid point, and Im all for equality.
  2. Its an interesting position. But the problem comes when you move farther than you intend. You would have to have precise timing if you were to want to stop in the exact position you started. (Aside from the logical and technological barriers of course )
  3. true. But I still think an icon would be kinda cool. i like the atom icon
  4. lol, true. I'm just interested in what will come from it. It's quite a milestone though!
  5. If you look at the address box, the very last number (right now Im seeing 99958), is the total amount of posts so far. So there are only a few left now. After this there should be less than 40 or so. What are other people voting for? btw- we should have this in the "announcements" forums
  6. we need a more efficient means of counting. I have to keep posting in order to make sure how many are left. Is there a fast way of making a count down on the home page?
  7. Science- The branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures Engineering- The application of science into commerce and industry through technology (ie-software and hardware) Both useful in the technological world, and essential in business around thw world
  8. But what does everyone want to happen. This thread hasnt really talked about what would be the best. I vote for an arcade, and I think 5614 would also. 50 left?!
  9. you would think so, but potatoes conatian more starch so that may actually have an affect on the result. remember to take everything into mind. (the more detail, the better )
  10. lol, same. If nothing happens, boy, Im sure there'll be a bunch of people who are a little put off to say the least
  11. lol, is someone concocting something? blike? whats in the works? With just a few left to go, something must be in the plans. Or is it a secret?
  12. MolecularMan14


    Still skeptical. Gotta agree with some of the other posts. Light refraction can be tricky to interpret. Umm...in the bottom picture, was the light on by any chance?
  13. closer, and closer. Has anyone made a decision on what will be made? Crossing my fingers for an arcade or a new template...or something...anything! 77 left!
  14. hate it when that happens. The Amnesty International around here doesnt seem to be too involved. Is there a national group that I can join, that would look good on a college application? Can you join at the website?
  15. I know, I cant wait to play it. Does anyone know about the special features (like in Vice City, the 100 completion prizes like 200 health and armor, and the body gaurds?) Can you buy buildings too? I hope so! Making the city yours is one of the best parts!
  16. sweet, that was the 100-to-go post!! now there's only 100 (99 after this) posts left until 100,000! WoOt!
  17. Well what about marinol? That seems to be their favorite in terms of offering alternatives. Does anyone have any additional info about alternatives to Med. Marij?
  18. lol, true, but actually, this one didnt have any hooks to be seen. And I havnt gotten any spam from them either. Then again, I havnt gotten any opportunities yet. So I'll have to wait a while longer in order to make a decision about it.
  19. lol, actually the look is awesome. Mainly because a) it glows in the dark b) then it changes color But its actually quite useful as well. But I'll have to find out how the Print Screen works No offense taken
  20. My associate is very much interested in Flash, but I havnt been encouraged to begin using it for games. I'll see if I can get him to make a few games for us
  21. I cant wait until Tuesday. It's coming out then, and my cousin's already reserved a copy, so we'll have it beat within the week
  22. Sweet, is there any chance of adding other, newer games? Im not familiar with .FLA format, but perhaps someone could design a game so we can use it? SOO CLOSE!!!
  23. We recycle paper, glass and cardboard mainly. But every so often when we get a spare hunk of metal, we have no other use but to recycle it. I found a rather strange but interesting program called Freecycling. It's basically where people give away their stuff that they have no use for. I found a 6 ft satellite communications disk on there, but Inever put a word on it...missed opportunities Here's the site- http://www.freecycling.org/
  24. lol, an arcade would be awesome. If one gets added, what games will be in it? Put some oldies (classics). Plus some cool new ones, something like bloody pingu.
  25. Nice. I would love to see something like that up close, or while it's happening
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