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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. Anyone else have a good one? Ive found that they keep very close tabs on the comps here, so of course there will be a ban on most anything that gets too popular here at school. (mainly ways around their bans)
  2. Right Energy- the capacity of a physical system to do work; the units of energy are joules or ergs.
  3. lol, were getting a lot of younger folk now. Were there really that many before me and 5614 came along?
  4. lol, that would make for a good one. In any case, Its normal to doubt your own intelligence. Im a 14 yr old son of geniuses, so I do it sometimes. Like 5614 said, try to find something that appeals to you. For me, that would be, well, most everything. But look into more specific threads like "microbiology", or "Medical Sciences". Everyone here is nice enough, just try to steer clear of some of the "crazies" (Mainly the ones who have been restricted to pheudoscience) If you need help in something, just ask around or P(rivate) M(essage) someone.
  5. Even so Ive been wanting to buy a PS2 for some time. But I havnt acually had the time to go somwhere and buy one . Where's the cheapest place to find one?
  6. I dont think that it counts the General Discussion posts (as they're not pertaining to science)
  7. I have every game system except for PS2. I'll have to get one. It has by far some of the best games (plus my cousin and I worked so hard to get 100% completion of Vice City)
  8. Thanks. Ive had some practice at this. I used to work with my dad in some hematology. It's really how I became interested in all of the microbiology stuffs
  9. Ok, so recently, Ive been recieving loads of mail from "Get rich off your opinions", and "Take a 1 min survey and get $10!!!" SPAM. I usually just delete them all. But when I upgraded my WeatherBug subscription, I was taken to one website for a Survey for Rewards program. http://new7.mysurvey.com/ Here's what Im wondering...are they legitimate? Do they actually give you a prize for getting some incredible amount of points? Has anyone here, or someone you know ever gotten anything?
  10. With this I was using my nikon microphote with a 100x plan apo cromat objective. All of them were present in the water sample I took from school. The only other solution in the water was the DNA Dye. No, Im afraid I dont have any agar recipies But I'll ask around
  11. lol, Im the best politician I know Or at least the most knowledgeable in science, and certainly the most honest
  12. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5636&highlight=riddles+thread I thought it looked familiar
  13. the universe can be thought of as physical. Time however cannot. You cant really make a physical interpretation of time, like you can with the universe. So, I would think no, but Im not an expert
  14. gotta say man, NICE job on the mouse pad design. (I'd buy one in a second) I like the SFN one better. I like the idea of some new bubbles. I think we should introduce some new features that have never been here. Like an arcade, or something competitive (other than the top poster- no one will ever top Sayo ) or color schemes or something where you can personalize. Just a thought I dont have Quake 2...is it good? Where and should I get it?
  15. .1 .11 .111 .1111 .11111 .111111 ~~~~~~~~~infinite You get the picture
  16. The undisputed most dangerous substance known to man. Unable to be destroyed, except by means of digestion! SOMETHING MUST BE DONE!!!
  17. lol, doom...DOOOOOOM! "the doomed man's life is half of that whos is three times the norm" -Someone else Go with the car. Driving is crazy
  18. lol, yea, I just noticed that a few days ago, when I noticed my post count didnt exactly match up with my posting
  19. Agreed. If we can better our knowledge of life, then we can utilize that knowledge in research and ultimately better the existance of humans. So, I would say that yes, its useful
  20. unfortunately, I dont have any candles here. I'll try to find one. I assume that the dot would move about constant to the flame. Am I correct in this assumption?
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