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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. Thanks! I was thinking this for our plan- how does it sound? can you find any holes? Any arguements, or evidence that you would suggest? We feel that a new Presidential Decision Directive should be formed to allow limited use of Marijuana, for only medical purposes with patients to which there is no alternative effective enough to help with the specific condition. Ok, I thinks its pretty good but what about enforcement of the use of the drug?? What exactly stops patients from abusing the drug, or selling it on the street??
  2. well actually, it might become a problem if it isnt already. With expansion, we need more and more land, and as we all know, there's no shortage of dead folk being produced on a daily basis.
  3. where did u get it? did you buy it? I just "prolonged" :cough cough: my 30 day trial. I would love the full version so I dont have to do this every 30 days! http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=6346&highlight=eyeq
  4. lol, well the first one is blocked @ school, but the second one will surely be stopped by nazi librarians who partol the media center, you just always have to make something up like- this site is for a project, or current event
  5. lol' date=' once again, a good use for a sarcasm wrap I like Nick Swanson's thought on his funeral. -closed casket -everyone thinks you're in the casket -your not -all of a sudden, the lights go out -techno music, and strobe lights come on -your body is fixed on strings -swinging above your friends and family (dancing and freaking) LMAO!!! I just get the greatest visual with that one lmao, we could have races, and well have online gambling!
  6. well I Freshman werent allowed any AP classes, Im in all honors. Its not bad, but with debate, and other extracurricular activities, plus the homwork that comes with the honors, well things are getting tense! Im just now settling into school, and its time for report cards! Geez, someone wanna trade, you be a highschooler, and I'll be a working, active scientist!
  7. Skrew the critics, I still intend to go and see it! If only I could find a time to go (Ive always got a load of debate tournaments to go to)!
  8. I know the numbers of binary but what about the letters? (621- 1001101101 A- ???)
  9. such as? Im afraid that my opposition will run not only that, but also the potential misuse of the medical marijuana. What arguement can I run against that? Anyone have any links, or resources?
  10. Ok, my school runs a tight ship. I need some CGI proxys in order to get some research done. They've blocked most of the most common ones- does anyone have any links?! HELP! Thanks!
  11. ok, does anyone have any links to some good arguements? I could use some good resouces to make some cards
  12. make that three Thanks to everyone. School can be rough, but thanks to everyone, tricky questions can make it better. Thanks!
  13. lol, i forgot...Futurama too! Go Bender! lol
  14. My personal favorites are some of the more stupid, but funny as hell cartoons- South Park Aqua Teen Hunger Force How about you?
  15. Ive only got 12152 now, a total of 26 days, 16 hrs, 30 min, 3 sec I really have no idea about the rewards. I was wondering the same thing. Do you get a shirt or something?
  16. nope, but what is it? What is its purpose?
  17. lmao, oh well. I suppose that there aren;t any then? It could have been a BS question Thanks
  18. I know this is kinda a strange topic, but I have a debate coming up and I need some good resources. The topic is- Should marijuana be legalized for medical purposes? Unfortunately, Im on the Aff, so I say "Yes", but I really dont know much about it. Does anyone have any resources or arguements on it? Thanks
  19. How exactly do mathmeticians refer to theorems now? As abbreviations?
  20. do you have a diagram, or something with some more details. You're mixing angles w/ segments. I dont know which point goes where What does it look like? (Im more of a visual thinker)
  21. Agreed! They couldnt be anything inanimate b/c of the arcadine orange. It showed DNA in each one. But it could possibly be an algae, I've never examined any algae under high power, I'll have to check it out. Thanks! Directly from the school water fountain, if you can believe it!
  22. thats terrible! where in china was this? are there regulations of pollution there?
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