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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. hmm...what about isotopes like tridium? would those be affected by the anti-hydrogen?
  2. Im really looking to do a lot in Highschool, mainly for college. I went and studied at college this summer and loved it! College life is so much better than being a highschooler- much more independance!
  3. Well Im looking for a University that has an awesome genetics/microbio program, with an awesome technological campus, and that I could get some respect as an undergrad in (as an undergrad, my father had a personal office, and a personal lab- he was a respected student of a "good old boy") U of M isnt a bad school, but I know there are better. Which ones have nice campuses, with awesome genetics/microbiology depts?
  4. Motion seconded, I hate essays too. I'd much rather take a bubble test than write a page and a half essay on why I think the cows should be more productive. My dad says that there are essays on the SATs, or was that back in the old days, when the earth was still hot? Thanks!
  5. sweet, is it easy to work with? do you have a link or should I just look it up on Google?
  6. I would say that its an amorphous solid. It flows as if a liquid, however it is certainly doesnt fit the definition- liquid- A substance in the fluid state of matter having no fixed shape but a fixed volume. You can shape glass into a form, though it will flow over time.
  7. hmm... sounds good. I'll need to contact Amnesty International, and organize an FPS team (there's only like 4 people signed up now lol). Im on debate, but I dont know if I'll do it for another 3 years...it takes up a load of time, and I really dont want grades to slip. Definitely, I'll get a book on the SATs ASAP. Thanks! What would you suggest as something creative?
  8. Once again, keep in mind that all but the first picture are cropped beyond belief. But they're all at only 800x Optic Zoom, so you can get the picture on how big they all are compared to eachother. Anyone have any ideas as to what any of these are?
  9. last one...yuch http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water07.jpg
  10. Once more, vivid coloring http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water06.jpg
  11. not very focussed but you can clearly see the bright red! http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water05.jpg
  12. just a few more creepy crawlies http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water04.jpg
  13. no more cropping...just follow the link http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water03.jpg
  14. I had to do some mad cropping to get this down to tiny kbs...but now that there's a link, it'll save us all some time http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water02.jpg
  15. anyone have ANY ideas? someone here must have had a good science fair project, or at least an idea for an innovation/invention that could help to maintain homeostasis?
  16. ugh...SAT...how many times can you take it again? Im just a freshman (high school); when will/can I take it? How do they do the grading if you take it more than once? ...ugh...SATs...
  17. I've thought about having different OS's on my comp, where u would select one before booting up (ie-choose between Linux, Windows XP, or Mac) Does anyone know a good source for this type of thing?
  18. dark times...dark times
  19. http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/Glass/glass.html I think that should just about answer your question
  20. I know Im just a freshman this year, but I have big plans for college. What types of activities are the absolute best of the best for getting into a university such as say, University of Michigan? (ie-debate, amnesty international, Future Problem Solvers...what else??) I want the best application possible. I know grades and GPA count but as long as I get above a 4.0 I'll have no problem there. Any and ALL help is appreciated! Thanks!
  21. gotta give it up for the night elves
  22. lol, how would that look on the screen? not italics, not bold, something like a face with rolling eyes
  23. lol, Ive never had a science fair before. So I guess I also apply to this question. What kinda cool stuff could I do for a science fair project...other than a linear proton-antiproton collider
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