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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. 4 yrs Spanish 3 yrs Japanese learning 1st year of German Oh, and some english whenever it comes up
  2. what is a protoss? What game were they in? They seem to be a favorite
  3. lol in 5th grade, I was actually so bored in math after I had finished and everyone else was still on problem #5, I took the time and effort to memorize the first buncha digits of pi 3.14159265358979323846248...i forget...CRAP
  4. What about hormone imbalances; Ive heard somewhere (probably the discovery channel ), that sleep balances hormones. And without it, we would all pretty much be crazy- why we lose our marbles when we are really...really tired
  5. how would they be given a fake account of history? Do you mean through a teacher/school/book? There is no real mind control...or at least that's what they want you to think...lmao!!!
  6. lol, you just have to hire an assistant to hold it for you
  7. lol, with typing you cant really express sarcasm unless you acually spell it out
  8. hmm...how exactly was that done? Im a very curious kinda guy. It truly is a very interesting topic
  9. how many types of anti-matter are there? Is there one for every element?
  10. yea i figured that there would be an energy loss. Its a shame there's no such thing as a perfect conductor either. If not for friction, I would have a load of other useless perpetual motion ideas too. (Not that perpetual motion would be useless, but my ideas would have no practical use )
  11. yep, u got me. lol, sry, the conversion table must be off, or maybe im just tired
  12. how does one create anti-matter. What is the process of making an anti-element?
  13. I want to see robots that harvest crops and then eat the stalks or weeds, or the excess of the plant, that no one else would eat. That would help with gardening! the weed-eating robot, that not only ate the weeds, but also the parasites that grow on the plants. not a bod goal! lol
  14. well, ive often thought about this one. And the only real disad to this would be friction and force needed. Ok, you have a generator attached to a large gear. The large gear spins slowly, and is attached to a small gear. Since the small gear is connected to the slow moving large gear, it spins faster. The small gear is attached to the generator and is powering it. Since the fast moving, small gear is powering the generator, and the generator is powering the slow moving large gear, where would the energy loss take place?
  15. all together, I've got UD, Folding, and SETI. I usually never run SETI anymore, and I only run Folding as a screensaver. UD runs in the background usually always. I always need the feeling that Im being productive somehow
  16. Ok, I know this again, is not my field of expertise, however, I would very much like to know more about anti-matter. Basically, I would like to know if there is anti-matter for every element? Since there is a Mg, is there and Anti-Mg, or an anti-plutonium, or an anti-gold? When matter and anti-matter collide, does it release energy? Can the energy be harvested, or used practically? Anything more to add would be helpful! Thanks much!
  17. lol, the parents would of course still have authority over the kids, that would never be changed. And the UN could never really "enforce" the convention either. So it couldnt really hurt at all. Im just happy that they didnt run topicality too hard
  18. http://www.armorytrack.com/conversions.htm According to this you're about 6'2" or something around there. Im not disagreeing with you lol, it doesnt matter.
  19. so, anyone have any other ideas for projects that innovate but help reverse or prevent environmental effects? Another thought was not only water distillation, but oxygen scrubbing (take "air" and make it pure O2)? Anyone know of any organic methods of doing either of these?
  20. Oh, we've definitely got to get some imports ov er there
  21. Jones, Crush, and IBC. More strange the flavor, the better the quality Also the occasional Vanilla Pepsi or Vanilla Coke is nice, but I like obscure flavors
  22. MolecularMan14


    If you understand the issues well, and know exactly what you're voting for (recieving info from spanish news stations broadcasting American News), then I see no problem in it. I agree with budullewraagh on the communications issue, however it takes some time to learn the language, and it doesnt come naturally to natives. In time, it's their obligation to communicate with others affectively
  23. 6'1"...i think, I might be between 6'1" and 6'2" (havnt checked in a while )
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