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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. How does one define a hero? Is it acting for the good of others as Joseph Campbell explains in one of his interviews, or is it more based on survival of one's self before the survival of another, as Ayn Rand explains in her book "Fountainhead"? How do you describe a hero? What makes them a hero? Who do you agree with more- Campbell or Rand (altruism or self-sufficiency)?
  2. lmao. I am moleculo-the molecular man! lol. yes, it seems like I am a night person. I seem to do a lot of progressive procrastination during the day. (Progressive procrastination is a term I invented meaning- rather than doing what needs to be done, you work on something productively, but only for the intention of not doing the other thing.) For example, I would rather program a game right after I get home, or surf the forums here, than do H(ome)W(ork). Ive tried to get myself out of that habbit, but I just cant bring myself to do HW early! This ever happen to anyone else? Any advice?
  3. hmm...so the only entries that count are those that are participated in science fairs? That's kinda strange. Im not sure if we actually have a science fair here. I hope so, I've never actually HAD a science fair ever. lol.
  4. I was thinking about organizing a team for the project. The problem is that I cant find anyone interested. I need some good ideas!
  5. Since I've been deprived of sleep since school has started again, I seem to function better at night. I become more focussed, and more active (educationally). Why exactly is this? Is it the pressure of finishing homework before daybreak? Or just simply adapting to conditions? I wish I had an explanation Does/has this ever happened to anyone else?
  6. Since about 8:00 over here, I wasnt able to open the site? It said that there was a problem with the DB (Data Base??) What's been going on? Any cool changes, or just some problems?
  7. Today, I noticed an advertisement for the RICOH Sustainable Development Award. I know that innovated engineering is not exactly my field of expertise, but I was compelled by the cause. It is essentially a project for developing innovations that will ultimately lead to a society with sustainable homeostasis (zero environmental impact). It's not so much the money that I'm after, though I admit that it doesn't hurt , but I'm after the recognition that would come from an award like this one. Here is their link- http://www.ricoh-sustainability.com/ Does anyone have any ideas for a project like this one? Also, I can't seem to find the official rules for the competition, can anyone post a link to the official rules, so I meet all the requirements? Everyone's help is appreciated! Thanks Much! I had the idea for a natural form of water distillation (to eliminate the use for buying bottled water, and recycle dirty or processed water). Does anyone know of a method of natural distillation that may not be very efficient in nature? Once more, Thanks!
  8. Bad- I dont drink...too young...but if it were still in effect, the mobs would be in greater power for illegal trafficing.
  9. Pirates on the other hand are a whole 'nother story. :cough: they like to save money by finding alternative modes of gaining something.
  10. lol, computer bullies. Most hackers do it as a form of empowerment and greed for attention. They all hope that they'll get on the news. Then again, there are very liberal hackers that seek to bring down a corperation as a means of technological terrorism for making their point.
  11. Ive managed to :cough: umm...get my hands on...a version of EyeQ but all I can access now is the miniEYE and miniREAD exorcises. Its a shame because I feel like my eyes are faster and better, but I dont have the full version now. Ive been spoiled. Edit- Post # 444
  12. I dont know, I get very little chance to go to the library anymore; but I'll check. I doubt they have the program since it costs about $300 for each install, and my local library has about 30-50 computers.
  13. would someone be able to create a program like this for free with a flash creator? Would anyone be willing to do that? That would be awesome, as Im not looking to spend $300 or more for a program that just shows you fast moving apples, cookies and basketballs I would volunteer, but I dont know any flash
  14. Ive found thier website if anyone is interested...I still think that it's too expensive http://www.infmind.com/
  15. Has anyone here taken Debate in High School or College before? How can the Aff always win on Topicality? Every time we lost, it was because of Topicality
  16. since I was about 6, Ive been able to control my dreams. I too created scenarios and objects within my dreams. I once had a dream where a friend and I were detectives and we were being held up in a bank. She had her gun stolen by the robbers and i just thought "spare" and bam, she pulled out a spare and we shot them all. Instead of saying "wake Up" I would always say DREAM when things got a little too weird in my dreams. That only happens occasionally, and I go to sleep again almost immediately with another dream. It certainly is interesting, but Ive learned to like it. With the little sleep that I get, I like to control what I do in my sleep. I dont know if this is related, but I always have de-ja-vous (or however that's spelled) during the next day, that I seemed to have dreamed about the night before. Its not that I have seen those exact situations in the most detail, its just that I know when a person is going to say something and what they're going to say, or what its about. Its very strange and Ive yet to find any explaination for it.
  17. lol, yes its kinda useful to have a high powered microscope, but its expensive and kinda a hassle to maintain and clean it. Agreed, can't do micro-study with a weak stomach.
  18. lol, thanks guys, you're a real help Anyone ever seen anything like this before under a microscope?
  19. I've heard a lot about a program called Eye Q for the computer. It supposedly increases your reading speed by exorcizing the eye with work outs. Has anyone else heard of/have it? Does it work? I really want to increase my reading speed without spending like $300 for a program. Is there any program like it without the cost?
  20. Is there any way I cant post another one, or can I only post about a meg total...ever? This kinda stinks because I have 7 pictures of all different crud, so the more I could post the more accurate my analysis would be.
  21. All that Im wondering is...what exactly is this that Im looking at that waves back at me through the microscope?
  22. Ok, I may seem a little paranoid in this situation, but last year i flat out stopped drinking the water from the drinking fountains at our school. Not only did the taste almost kill me, but I had a hunch that it was somewhat contaminated. Me being the good little microbiologist took a few samples this year, and with a rather nice microscope, took some good pictures. I used a DNA stain called acradine orange. Red=single stranded DNA Yellow= mix of single and double stranded DNA Orange= Highly metabolic, and single stranded. Check them out- Im sry I cant upload them all at once, I need to do it in several posts, due to their size. This one is my personal favorite... Keep in mind that this is only at 800x zoom (rather low) http://forum.newscienceonline.com/images/water01.jpg
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