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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. A signal not of our own would re-enforce the thought that we are not alone in the universe.
  2. or maybe just a steet preforming mime looking to ammuse the people that would otherwise throw junk at him.
  3. wow, it sounds like a strange course of events that we'll be taking in the next 1000 years. Why would be lose something as useful as wavelengths to communicate. Telepathic phonecalls, and radio stations would be rather farfetched. In any case, we shouldnt make any assumptions that an ET society would be using telepathy or any other form of communication that we cannot grasp (Though it may be true). If we cannot use that power, then how can we search for it? So, for now, lets just hope that any aliens out there would be sticking to radio signals to communicate (if they're as/more advanced than us in the first place)
  4. No I think that this skull is beyond human interaction (physically warping it), I would say that it's a human with a prominent genetic disorder. An old friend (not really friend, just a fellow student) of mine who now lives in Salt Lake City, had a head much like that of the artist's rendition. He was a creepy little fellow. Large eyes, skinny as anything, long finger, arms, legs and toes. And a triangular head like the one in the drawing. I dunno, I think it would look a little more decisive if a jaw was recovered.
  5. Ok, I need some help badly. I have several pictures that I want to put in a thread. They're saved as JPEGS in my documents. I click the "add picture" button in the post thread page, and it prompts me for an http://. How do I get a documented picture into a post?
  6. but if we could find or develop another food source, that it could survive off of, one that could be found in barren conditions on earth, then that would be a great stride as well. Just something to think about
  7. Well they're not lazy, they're just not living for anyone else (Not second handers); they're still active, and not doing anything adverse on the society, so in a way, they're neutral. Not awesome, and not bad for anyone.
  8. well if that were the case, then it would be a good thing to be inert. But if the importance is counter-productive to society, it would be good to someone-maybe himself, so he's not lazy. They're just not a second-hander (I love Ayn Rand logic) not exactly a creator, but definitely not a second hander.
  9. MolecularMan14


    lol, cue the liberal excuses
  10. http://www.kopes.com/affiliates/egadgets/magnet-magic-battery-free-flashlight.htm
  11. I found a nice level for the Frozen Throne expanion for WarCraft III its called <<<The War of the Ring>>> or something, and it is one of the most beautiful maps Ive ever played. It makes for an awesome custom game.
  12. true but what i meant by "important" was productive towards society or another person.
  13. or just a man unwilling or unurged to do anything important
  14. lol, yes I would say that the postulate is automatically accepted, mainly because THEY CAN FLY.
  15. if the same velocity, then they will stop dead. Depending on the metal mixture and type of the bullet they may fragment and they may mold. If they were exactly...exactly on perfect allignment, then they would not ricochet. Not exactly sure about the sound. Other than the boom of the firing, you might hear some kinda loud clink! Im really not sure, never tried and never want to (without robots or something- dont wanna get shot)
  16. Yes Welcome to the Site...I myself am also a programmer, strange its as if I know you from somewhere #1211502. lmao
  17. Our idea for our Debate Jackets was - We Bust Ours To Kick Yours! , I thought it was funny, but I dont think it could work for a non-competitive science design. lol
  18. I gotta say that my favorite so far would be in post #2, which is #5 in the list.
  19. Let's say Im in a debate and Im the 2Aff. How do I know if the Negative's counter plan is topical??? My latest debate is the US establishing a Constabulary force (As a means of greatly increasing US support of UN Peace Keeping Operations- PKO's) Im on the Aff. position, however I dont know if Im 1A, or 2A. Anyone have any comments about the topic? Or any arguements that the Neg might use? I want to be ready! Thansk
  20. squish! unless they grow or develop gas masks, or have foot-proof armor, I dont think they could take us out. But its an interesting concept about the simplest survive.
  21. lol, that happened to me once, when I was about 6. I thought a ghost was taking a crap, but it turns out it was just running to change the water.
  22. well its empty, and signifies its content...nothing at all.
  23. oh, i know that, I was replying to drz
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