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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. well hopefully within the next 700 years we'll be able to recycle some energy, so that we wont all be incinerated .
  2. None of the above hopefully. I would like to avoid most of those with science and political agreements
  3. i gotta say, I would love to believe you, but ya know, it's just kinda hard to believe! oh well, I guess there is no way of proving these types of things.
  4. Full Story The UWC is developing a robot that will be able to sustain its own functions, by meatolising dead flies. And get this- it attracts the flies using human sewage. Edit* post #400 baby YEA!
  5. my m515 does everything. I have a program called OmniRemote that can control anything with IR remotes (practically everything). But Im looking to sell it for a Zire.
  6. lol, thats true, i myself am a big fan of cut scenes, it could just be for the plot progression, or the graphics, but they're where a lot of the drama and suspense come in.
  7. Gmail is the mail service offered by Google.com. It gives you 1 gigabyte of Email storage. It is however still a BETA version, but they accept suggestions for their future, full, service. I like it, it works well for me so far. They use a different method of message storing where you archive things you want to save, and search for them later. (You can also add stars to those which are important)
  8. Its just another system of measurement. Some people (The French) like it because it simplifies things
  9. it cant really, thats what im saying
  10. A person has a need to communicate properly. It makes sense
  11. It really does depend upon the game. A friend of mine is an expert in mythology, folktales and history, mainly from games like Age of Empires and Age of Mythology. From this he seems to have learned many of the ancient Greek Gods and the myths in which they are involved. He also likes to incorperate some of the language into his life, so yes, it's increased his vocabulary. Some games however, if played constantly while reglecting studies, some games like GTA:Vice City (which happens to be one of my favorite games ), yes, will decrease your vocab a bit. But literacy, im not sure if they'll actually decrease your ability to read and write. I happen to be a big gamer, and I havnt learned a lot from video games, but keeping balanced is important. And finding games that incorperate history (THINGS THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED) isnt necessarily bad
  12. I was wondering of the characteristics that apply to all organic compounds. This is for a lab report. All i could get was the composition of carbon. Any help is appreciated
  13. Well my oppposition argued that the UN would strictly enforce these international "laws". But I reminded them that they could never over-rule the US judicial system. They also came up with a weak arguement stating that the children would only have the rights given to them in the convention. I argued then, that that was impossibly out-of-line and I also, in the CX, asked what rights they were not given. They of course didnt have an answer. They also agrued that the children would then overpower the parent's ruling, having international law behind them. In the convention the children would be given the right to rest and leisure; the negatives argued that if this were passed, the children would take severe advantage of this, and would just sit around and rest, in stead of doing homework or listening to their parents. We pretty much neglected this arguement b/c of its stupidity, but Im sure you can figure out a good harm for it. But on the first post, you'll find the actual convention. So you can site all the articles, for a good resource
  14. No light. Yea I doubt my internal clock is off. lol, just a lack of sleep
  15. I gotta agree with Lucid Dreamer on that one. Drugs will definitely be my last resort.
  16. lol, its not that Im under stress from the home work, its just that there's so much of it that it takes forever (sometimes into the night) to finish it.
  17. Thats not exactly what I meant. But thanks tho I was wondering if there was a receptor in the brain that controlled REM sleep. And if there is any way of stimulating that receptor to garuntee REM sleep.
  18. Is there any one key to ensuring good REM sleep every night? Could there be a switch or receptor that could be activated to ensure REM sleep? I love to have a good night's sleep, but lately Ive been missing a lot of sleep for homwork. However if I get about 5 hours of good REM sleep then I feel perfectly refreshed. Is there any way of ensuring a good nights sleep??
  19. if at that time it were acceptable I dont see any reason why not to start a research project for that cause
  20. MolecularMan14


    lol, true, i like the way you put this scenario together
  21. Interesting, what would the world look like? Is there any way of producing a super-efficient eye for the humans?
  22. Last year I had planned on reading the Oddessy but I was forced to read a book called The Giver. It was actually very good. The plot is based around a utopia in which the people are lacking something but they don't realize it. I suggest it for those who find philosophy interesting.
  23. Agree w/ Thales. Make a fear irrational and it will no longer be feared. When I was 4 I was afraid of the dark, but I realized that when the lights were out, things were just about the same and there was no logical reason for being afraid of dark. Then I just wasnt afriad anymore.
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