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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. MolecularMan14


    lol, i second that motion
  2. well actually now that I look at it, it might not be edited out. I really dont know the color of the roof of the white house.
  3. no they just outline it and put nothing but white in it. Its very profession lol
  4. I dunno, it shows how devoted a person is to the site. I dont see anything too wrong with it
  5. I really like the Yahoo feature of the Breifcase. I have made a few suggestions to Google, I cant wait for the full version to come out. Anyone have any idea of WHEN the full version will be coming out?
  6. lol, I like how they white out the satelliteimages of the white house.
  7. wow, I would love to see the results of that kinda thing. What was the outcome?
  8. http://www.terraserver.microsoft.com BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU. lol
  9. Id say we are about 95%+ sure that they exist.
  10. lol, true. I would love to observe some of the earliest, most primitive life forms, and compare them to their closest genetic cousins of today. Just to track the evolution. Then again, there would be no garuntee that something would develop the same.
  11. no, i dont really think in words at all. So its not my voice, I kinda see the words or the layout of what Im going to say, its no one's voice at all. There is no real voice.
  12. I think as words, not so much a voice. Actually I dont think words really. Its kind of difficult to explain, but I talk as if im typing something out, while i think as if i copy an paste. My thoughts are instant, so i dont really talk in my head.
  13. Universal (Is it a postulate or has it been solved?- I havnt studied it much)
  14. oooooh, ok, my eyes are bad. lol
  15. More thanks than words!!! Gratitude!
  16. I was going to say the exact same thing. Water is an example of a substance that forms a polar covalant bond. (electron sharing) Magnesium chloride is an example of an ionic bond. (opposites attracted)
  17. Let us say that I had 2 radioactive (or otherwise harmful) substances and I forced them to react. Would I create a new substance with a minute half life, then have that decompose into a non-toxic substance? Would the reaction produce a crap load of energy? and would there be any way of harvesting that energy? Wow, that was a lot of questions that I may have already asked, but asked anyway.
  18. When I was a little younger I designed a bot that looked like a big upper case H. Basically, the longer parts of the l-l (represented by the 2 lower case l's) would have circular saws that would bring the opponent into the - (middle horizontal part of the H), which would have spikes on it. The verticle lines would then move in to rip the other bot to shreds. The wheels would have to be big enough to stick through either side, so it could run both rightside up and upside down. *Edit- Post #333
  19. Just gotta ask, whats with the avatar Plecostomus? I cant say that I understand the 8 on the envelope
  20. Wow, it sounds like it would be a useful tool for a business. I really didnt know much about it, but the more I hear the better and better it sounds
  21. For Microorganisms gotta go with the most interesting one I can think of-rotifers. Other than that- most types of spirochetes (Nasty little things!) And for things non micro- I would have to say- turtles and Aloe plants.
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