Ive been given an assignment to study the Tradescantia pallida (Purple Heart/purple queen). It's a very strange plant.
I have just a few questions about it-
1. Why exactly do the leaves of the plant turn purple?
2. I've read that it's both tropical, as well as a cactus...where does it normally grow on the globe?
3. How much fertilizer is needed per week (keep in mind that my Purple heart is in a pot with something like 2 other plants of a different species)
All comments/suggestions are helpful.
Appreciate it!
I dont think that websites are the best place for judging IQs. But if they are all from the same source, then there could be a reasonable idea of thought processing between people.
Agreed, IQ is just potential. Not your intelligence at a certain point. I have an IQ of 187 but I find myself tripping over words, and rambling and having a hard time with some things (especially typing). lol
lol, I was just looking at some of the older threads. I think the admins should be able to change someone's name to a "troll", or "pseudo-troll" As a warning for banishment.
I've heard somewhere that plants react differently to different spectrums of light (visible light). Which is more affective for photosynthesis? Red, or blue light? Why does it matter? How does the light actually affect the process?
Does anyone see any relevence in SETI anymore? Or has everyone's attention shifted to that on Earth and that affects us? lol. I really dont know, b/c I dont do SETI anymore, but I still have it on my comp. So every once in a while I finish off a Data Unit, b/c I dont have anything better to do.
I guess it's a sort of childish fate that someday it will amount to something.
1) absolutely
2)Its strange because when the phone rings in the middle of the night, it is integrated into my dream that makes every bit os sense. (I was dreaming something about going into space when an alarm for something like oxygen stirrers is supposed to go off, and suddenly the phone rings. As if I knew in my dream that the phone was going to ring.) Its hard to explain, but so true.
Why exactly would the US oppose adopting it? I dont see too much harm in it. I just wish I knew what my opposition might argue against me. Ive been given the position of 2nd affirmative, so it's my job to BS a lot of it, and basically make an 8 min cross examination but alone.
lol, im 1211468
I thought about getting it tatooed on my arm to show that Im a slave for the schools. We were forced to have ID at chest level every day at school. It was kind of like a work camp. Oh well, Im opressed.
True- 1010111101110
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