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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. what about headsets? Ive realized the reception problem not only with TV's but also w/ comp monitors also
  2. That makes sense, but I was thinking of it as a means of disposing of hazardous material...and making it into something that nature, and humans, can handle (preferably something useful) Is there any way of forcing a reaction without a massive explosion? I was thinking along the lines of being contained in a cyclotron, or lab?
  3. Ok, I just had a thought run through my head, and my foot, but that's besides the point...Are there such things as complimentary elements? By complimentary I mean, if you were to get their atoms to react together, would they form a different atom? If so, how could that be done?? My thought was to have the 2 complimentary elements in a gas form, and spin them at ridiculous speeds in opposite directions in 2 different cyclotrons...then open a gateway bewtween the cyclotrons so that the atoms would collide, forcing them to come in contact. Would this work? Would I also have to add a few neutrons, protons, and electrons into the mix before the collision? Im sorry if this makes me sound like a stupid lunatic, but it was just a thought.
  4. alright but what if i use a headset? would that be any different, or would the emmisions still be carried to my head?
  5. the UN peacekeeping force isnt really a structured alliance...It is not well run, and not well maintained. compairing it to any one of the larger country's forces, would be a no-brainer. Take for instance Somalia...they basically went in there, with good intentions to stand between two warring forces, and stumbled over themselves...So I think that they could use all the support they can get...I mean there's no use in leaving them as they are, so we (along with the rest of the world) could help out more...especially the US! God knows that we havnt been as good to the UN as we should be; it's good to have friends!
  6. Right! (I knew that would be too easy )
  7. my dad says that for Spongebob- "Absolutely...it will dry up your brain and it will fall out your ear like a raisin" lmao
  8. sometimes i find that I post something, or start a thread, and it gets ignored because its at the bottom, or not on, the New Posts page...then the only way to get it noticed again is to post something on it. I dont really know if there's a way to fix that, lol, but it would be cool if there was
  9. strange that so many calculators would come out with undefined...I have only tried it on one calc and found it to be 1
  10. neither am i but i hope to thoroughly understand the topic and see both sides of it!
  11. yea i know, but its the same outcome...thats all i was saying
  12. true...the un peacekeeping force is kinda a joke so far...they're basically the mall security of the world, as NATO is a greater policing force, lol
  13. The person who buys it doesn't need it The person who makes it doesn't want it The person who uses it doesn't know it What is it? (This one is a little too easy)
  14. no, what is (it/ him)?
  15. YES!!! Fire, wind, and rock!! good job...do u have a riddle?
  16. cool, i think i might just take it this year...maybe
  17. is there a proof behind dividing something by 0...or a proof for having 0 to the 0?? My palm calculator probably just made it =1 because it was raised to the 0th power, and anything to the 0th is 1...even tho its undefined
  18. ...so close...2 are right
  19. what year do you have to take the SAT...im a freshman...am I safe?
  20. think of basics...things that shape our world...it only has 1 (with 3 parts) answer (think of the elements of the ancient greeks)
  21. As I hear the national debate topic is wheter or not the US should found a foreign policy to substancially increase support for UN peacekeeping...whats everyone's opinion on that?
  22. Older Metallica...the newer stuff is just a little grungy for me...most things by LP, and many things by Evanescence! ROCK ON!!!!! Oh, and all the exotic stuff from LED ZEPPELIN!!!!!!
  23. lmao, think more generally...
  24. lol, with a name like c dawg i was really hoping you were under 30
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