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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. its like dividing anything by zero, it must be undifined...but mathmatically it comes out to 1...but thats probably just off of a theorem...Im sure there's a proof behind it.
  2. thats very interesting (btw nice answer to the riddle, but not quite )
  3. lol, ive never heard that...u mean edison?
  4. Ok, I will post a riddle, and after about 10 replies (guesses) to the riddle I will give the actual answer...I'll start There are 3 objects- One is hungry and will never be full- One has gone and will never return- One is here and will never leave- What are the 3 objects? (I realize that the answer may not scientifically be true, but its just a riddle)
  5. darn it...that reading stuff is so hard..what with the words, and sentences, and those big things....paragraphs...boy its hard for me to know what everyone online is saying considering I cant read at all...:'( Listen I understand what could be in context...but still! The creation of a manageable source of light is pretty predictable...its as if I were to say "And the people would fly in seats of confort and enjoyment"...that COULD be perceived, as "the people will fly in their flying cars"...not that Im saying that we'll have flying cars anytime soon, but its possible that one day, we might...and then someone would look back to that phrase and say that it was predicted by ancients!
  6. True, they wouldnt exactly be considered hip hop, but it is incorperated into their music. Anyway, they're one of my favorite bands, and I tied the strong rhythmic beats to those also found in Hip-Hop...so blah! And I am currently smoking some noobs in Unreal Tournament 2004. SO BLAH AGAIN!
  7. info about what exactly? the end of the world? The creation of the lightbulb? Many of such "predictions" could simply be metaphors, which could be perceived as ancient predictions
  8. Hard Rock (Metallica), Classical (shostachovich), Techno (Darude), Hip-Hop (Linkin Park), Alternative Rock (Evanescence), Something different (Peter Gabriel), new age rock (Dream Theatre)...and some other stuff like Creed, Celldweller, Crossfade, Sev, and a whole lot of other basically unknown bands.
  9. what was it that they took DNA from, from 50 thousand years ago? Mammoths? Didnt they find one older than that? Sry if this sounds stupid, but I havnt been keeping up with the news on ancient genetics.
  10. MolecularMan14


    ya know, Ive heard something about AIDS being purposely produced, but I cant say that I believed any of that...is there some kinda conspiracy? lol
  11. lol, thats true
  12. Ive seen many forums about an outside force contributing to todays technologies as well as the production of man...I myself dont really believe in it, however it seems to be a hot topic around the forums.
  13. One day this guy was sitting at this bar in Chicago and looks over and sees this guy that looks exactly like him. He says to the guy, “Hey you look just like me!” The other man agrees and asks, “Where are you from?” The first guy answers, “Chicago.” “Me too!” says the second guy, “What street do you live on?” “Forty-Ninth Street,” answers the first guy. “Me too!” says the second guy, becoming increasingly excited. “What's your address?” ''951.” “Me too! Wow, this is incredible! What are your parents' names?” “ John and Cathy,” says the first guy. “Me too!” shouts the second guy. “I wonder if we're related!?” Meanwhile, the bartenders are changing shifts and the guy coming on asks if anything is new. “No,” says the first bartender, “just the Smith twins, drunk again.” Its not mine, but when a friend of mine told it to me, i lmao
  14. lol, yep u got me, i just got confused Ill check it out. Thx
  15. lol, thats low, I'll remember that...thanks. What happens when I am forced to debate for a topic which I am totally against? How do I go about opposing it?
  16. yes, but I also say it should be regulated, if they were desperate, and there was absolutely no cure, or chance of a better life. Im for just about anything that stops suffering
  17. lol, thats true. Though I wish there were more now. lol. But i really do want to win my debates...the last time I debated, i didnt know much about it...i still say I won, but the outcome was debatable...and we did...
  18. Please state whether you feel that Humans were created (or engineered) by an outside force (such as aliens) Or if evolution has made us as we are. Same with the development of science/technology...was it developed by an outside force, or did we engineer it ourselves? Please specify which and give an explanation and/or reference. Thanks
  19. I do think this is the sort of thing our president should stand behind, not cloning, but genetic research in general...stem cell research. I realize that some veiw it as unethical, but as long as abortion exists, then so should stem cell research. Stem cell research should follow abortion. The point where I draw the line is when its the other way around, when abortion is done so subsidize stem cell research.
  20. lol, i figured
  21. so i should take specific details and if there's something that they make a mistake about, then rub it back in their face? lol
  22. I recently joined the debate team for my highschool. Before I get too deep into it, I would really like to know some tactics for debating tho... I would very much like to win every one...lol...wouldnt we all
  23. sounds good, Ive been into making computer games w/ some friends...check out our website http://www.gamemakersunited.tk/ lol, we're working on it...cut us some slack
  24. lol, I know how to program text based games on my TI83+, but how do u make graphics, I have loads of games, but I cant program any good ones lol
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