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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. lol, I would vote seriously, if there was a seriously good candidate. Someone that everyone could stand behind. Kerry is kind of like "Im for good! Bush=BAD!" That really gets on my nerves. lol
  2. b/c hes only in it for the money. Hell I would be too if I had something to stand for. Any $$$ that people donate to your canpaign YOU CAN KEEP! Cha-Ching for the Rev. Anyway, I just love seeing the people that actually think he's serious. I would never actually vote for him
  3. birthday suit- nude rude
  4. lol good point, I only hope that come 2008, when Im allowed to vote, there will be a better selection. Otherwise I would laugh all the way to the voting booth to vote for Sharpton. lmao!
  5. I dont know specifically, mainly b/c im not old enough to vote, but I ust cant figure out what 2004 candidate I stand behind! I mean every democrat on the plantet doesnt really want Kerry, its just that they hate Bush. And ever Republican wants Kerry to spontaneously combust! What do you think?
  6. was it that one, about the 50 year old, roof builder, who got the stroke, and they hooked him up to a computer, out of his brain stem?
  7. Thats a good point. It is an interesting philosphical situation! If only we could simulate it. Im sure we could find some matrix fanatic who would be happy to try, lol
  8. man, that sucks, but he had a good life, and he was an old dude.
  9. lol, yea I was kinda waiting for ExtraSense to show up and start blathering about how he's been saying this all along. Darn, I was kinda looking forward to making fun of him
  10. well, you have to remember that this box would control EVERY brain function...so until someone figures out how to program another human, I consider it a "magic box".
  11. I suppose if you could squeeze every brain function into a small box and then plant it on someones brainstem, well, I really REALLY dont know. Its a good question tho
  12. lol, thats ok, I just thought it might be convenient to have a more detailed subforum
  13. badgers...badgers...snake badgers...badgers...mushroom...snake here come the badgers http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/25/
  14. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4941
  15. Ok, I dont know a whole lot about thermography/ thermology, but it's less harmful than X-ray, and is good for many more things. So why isnt it being used readily in the medical world??? Dont get me wrong, X-rays are the best for detecting broken bones, or anything related to the skeletal structure, but thermology deals with circulation, and heat differentials. Its the best/ painless/ safest way to dectect cancer! (especially if your a woman, who would like her breasts not to be flattened by a mammogram.)
  16. Even so, I believe than there is a more civilized, let alone manueverable, way of propelling the craft.
  17. Oh, please dont say "teh", please oh please.
  18. lol, no I was just looking through the threads, and I came across this one. I didnt read through all the way, but that remark about good 4 nothing teenagers kinda scared me. There seems to be this delusion that all teenagers have no cerebral cortex, and are completely insane. I myslef have been this insane all my life. So I just hope that no one would ever see me as a regular, hormonally inbalanced, whacked out, teen. lol
  19. rotf lmao!
  20. I really dont know, it would be almost impossible to create a theory of EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE. Or in order to develop one you would have to understand EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE. Which, I really doubt someone will, perhaps a group of people, but never a single person
  21. I think I will start a thread called "Help Cure Cancer" and just link it to this one.
  22. Yea I joined F@H a while ago. Im on the leading team in the country, if anyone's interested in joining, its team 33
  23. whoa...
  24. MolecularMan14


    lol, well, a little bit below slave labor, is being a Highschool Student. You do what you're told, keep in line, and then u get the cap & gown and run like hell outta there into a civil environment (like college)
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