Yea, my dad has told me great things about him, its unfortunate that I never got the chance to meet him, b/c Ive been told that I think much like he did (with radical thought)
hmm, well I still dont think I like the thought of neclear explosions hitting against the back of the ship propelling it. I think that we could find some other, more manueverable way of propelling the vessel. And something a little less, messy
Well Im not the biggest optics buff, but I was just posting something relating to light refraction and I figured that we might as well have an optics section.
I dunno, if you start off with a couple wealthy investors, and get all the paperwork, and the location right, a casino might be one of the most profitable business's ever
Yea, I dont think that I like the idea of a nuclear pulse rocket, not only b/c it's illegal in space but also b/c of all the things that could go wrong. But we're over that now. Do u have a link for this project started in '73? I'd love to hear more about it.
lol, how would one go about warping 3 dimensional space. But then again you cant warp space without warping time, so how would one go about warping 4 dimensional space? lol
Well, I would say by today's's a longshot, but yea, if we were to put some serious thought behind it, its possible.
Sure Ill draw a few designs...why not?
I think it would be a cool test.
I know it reflects light to some extent b/c I could see the reflections of the cars headed in my direction in the mirage.
I was just thinking, as I posted my last thread, why isnt there an optics section under Physics. It could be used for discussing...hmmm...optics, and such.
You know those mirages you see on a hot road or highway when driving? Well, do they reflect or distort light? What Im really wondering is...If you were to shine a light (or laser) into one of the mirages, would the light show on an object behind it? And from that object's point of view, where would the light be coming from?
Just Curious (like always)
lol, not out of MY pocket, and no, I didnt plan on building it, but still, the design and workability is the first and hardest step. So if we put our knowledge together, we could think of things that no one has ever thought of before, and put those to work on building a vehicle capable of carrying travelers to and from deep space.
Its really a great idea to start with, but we need to put something together that we can all agree upon.
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