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Everything posted by MolecularMan14

  1. optics maybe? I know a few threads that would work better in there.
  2. lol. Yea Im sure the gum would just about ruin it, but you might take a look for yourself. I did it last year, at my old school, and found similar, but less shocking results
  3. at what stage can a group of cells become self-aware? At that point, they become conscious, and could do something willingly
  4. well Im pretty sure we did have a member spotlight thing. But i think at this point, its still under construction
  5. lol, early freakish defrost
  6. ahh...back, good and refreshing What happened to it?
  7. http://www.wilenkin.com/transformers/Video_player_06_content.html Definitely one of the absolute funniest things Ive ever seen. Give it time to load, its like 3.5 min long. Im not personally a transformer's fan, but this is still utterly hilarious...never seen anything like it ...yep...definitely breakdancing transformers...yep...
  8. lol, well my h. literature course is really the one that drove me to ask for assistance. Dont get me wrong, my h. bio course is interesting and all, but I know basically everything they're teaching us. Do we have any literature fans here? Fans of Rand, Joseph Campbell, Homer, Harper Lee, or some of the classic Highschool curriculum authors? lol (I'll most likely begin a new thread for this one- but we'll see if we have any experts here in the mean time )
  9. WTF happened to the corner logo? Did it melt? ...it will be missed...
  10. Taken from http://www.grid.org/projects/ Human Proteome Folding Project http://www.grid.org/projects/hpf/about.htm Cancer Research http://www.grid.org/projects/cancer/about.htm There's actually an FAQ for the cancer project that some might like to review- http://www.grid.org/projects/cancer/faq.htm Really all you have to do is look around their site in search of information on what they do, how they do it, and why the're so damned good at it (some of their past projects- http://www.grid.org/projects/past.htm)http://www.grid.org/projects/past.htm
  11. Thanks to all who make this place run like it does! Especially to Sayo for his excellent troll scanning tactics, and blike for his words of pacifism in some of the more roudy threads -oh and a special thanks to ExtraSense for making things a little funnier around here
  12. Ive got 27694 right now lol, 2 members! OH well, UD is not as mainstream as Folding, so fewer people have it. I just wanna take this opportunity to say- IF YOU ALREADY HAVE UD/GRID DON'T HESITATE TO JOIN UP!
  13. Sweet! It's truly an awesome game. It does seem like a cross between True Crime: Streets of LA, and Vice City, but that could just be the smooth graphics talking. Well, I know what Im getting, kinda ruins the suprise, but I think I'll deal It's not much in terms of numbers this year, but the quality is sweet indeed Some Cool Gifts -Nintendo DS -Super Mario for DS -Palm Zire 72 -Halo 2 Those are the only main one's I know...I hope to be suprised Stocking Stuffers -A new 1024 block memory card for my GameCube -some cool accessories for the Zire 72 (like a cool case and a cool stylus and stuff like that) -some cool applications for the Zire 72 (like a game card, or a Dictionary or something like that) -1 gig card for Zire 72 (to listen to MP3s) -Something else that was kept secret from me...___?
  14. lol, yea I'll check it out ASAP. dont forget to keep us udated! ...hmm...wonder if they'll have teams... Edit: ...apparently they do have teams, but I can't set up an account yet, so I'll let everyone know when I can make a team for us. Hope to get some ppl involved. Thanks to 5614!
  15. Happy Holidays everyone! <------ You know it's true
  16. I would think that its something like a laser light show? You could probably check out a toy store for a simple, dulled-down one, but any company that puts on a little light show might know something about them...undoubtedly more than I do
  17. seen it before, not all that alarming. lol. especially because I have Dinner at deviant's palace on my computer, lol. Not a good track at all, its just backwards talking, no lyrics, no interesting music, just like some background sounds. Oh well lol, was this supposed to be an actual discussion on Sub. messages?
  18. Do you have a link for a tone generator? Sounds cool, and Ive got some reasonable speakers, so I'll give it a try.
  19. Its strange because a few nights ago, I was having a dream, and the phone rang again, and I noticed it, and literally thought to myself, let someone else get it (knowing full well that it was not actually in the dream itself) and attempted to continue the dream. However, about a second later, once again literally, i thought to myself, oh no- Im awake. And at that point I became fully concious of my room, and woke up. I think it relies on the awareness of your surroundings. If you accept your surroundings as being physically there, you wake up, while if you are in the impression that they are not physically there, only in the dream, then you remain in a state of sleep.
  20. years and years of genetic mutation and adaptation shaped the genetics of the fruits, to make the most efficient one (as of today) Its really a matter of genetics Im no expert, but Im fairly sure about that
  21. I have a quick question that may spur into a full thread, but at this point, it's still just a quick one. Do scientists know what causes Parkinson's? If so, what causes it? If not, what are their hypothesis on how it happens? Thanks much
  22. Mmmm...Lunchtimemama's Rotisserie Pork Rinds...Mmmmm
  23. well ES, if not for the namecalling (and some minor misspellings), I would like to congratulate you on your first seemingly credible thread around here! Rounds for everyone!
  24. Acually, I can see the beam in one of our rooms, (We have one of those air-purifier things, to eliminate dust), so there would be little to scatter it, but it's still rather bright
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