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Everything posted by URAIN

  1. "Anyone will be get accepted from the group or not accepted. But TRUTH is one,which must & should be accepted by everyone. May be it came from any simpleseeing man". What is your finalconclusion and what are your PERSONNEL views about GR.
  2. URAIN

    About time

    If your well wishes are with me, I will definitely find. Thanks
  3. URAIN

    About time

    Captainpanic, Do you want, I have to stop finding the answer for above question?
  4. Thank you for clearing your view. I suggest you to call 'nothing' as 'the place where we not see or we not experience anything'. Anil, Now in science there is no consciousnesses about the question, what is space? Some people say according to Quantum mechanics there is no empty space. All space is full of virtual particles and vacuum energy. To get answer about space I had also started thread http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/60496-matter-occupies-space/ But we were not came to any consciousnesses. Before we go to any conclusion. we must have to know, what is space?
  5. Anilkumar, Please dont call the space as nothing. According to P.P.Principle 'nothing' is only that, which has never existed in any time. i.e in past, in present and in future. Other than this nothing, everything is the existence. You may see this theory at www.baseforreincarnation.wordpress.com
  6. URAIN

    About time

    Do you not think we are also in the process?
  7. URAIN

    About time

    Assume two things (consider it vehicle) moving in same direction with same speed. (If we consider only these two things) Persons in that vehicles, will not experience either self is moving or other vehicle is moving. Time is like vehicle, which is moving. Other side we are also in other vehicle. who are moving, but we experience the movement of our near vehicle (time). Which is this experience the movement of time? What is this self ? Religious people may say soul. What is the answer for this question from scientific peoples?
  8. URAIN

    About time

    I would like to know answers from science, to these following questions. Please answer What is the time? Which observe the time passing? Who experience the time passing?
  9. <div>Swansont what is your comment for above post and what is your comment about collective opinion for reason for for 2nd law thermodynamics.</div><div><br><br><div><div><br> </div></div></div>
  10. Mr.Skeptic, did you have not read, this topic 24th post?
  11. What is your answer for 2nd question of opening post. i.e 2) How can we apply this second law of thermodynamics to the evolution and cyclic universes? For evolution symmetry given matrices example and had not given relationship in between the physical properties with these matrices (what represents the single, square matrices, 0 and 1 in evolution) Do you relate with evolution? For first question of why usable energy converts to unusable energy some one said I believe that fundamentally it has to do with the natural tendency of physical systems to reach 'a lower energy state', thatis a more stable one. (the darkshade) The reason for it? This is just my opinion but I would think that disordered states are more likely to occur than ordered states. (moontanman) Statistics of molecularmotion. Particles have a random motion (because they bump into each other). That just leads to disorder. (captain panic) There are more microstates available to the system after the process than before. (chilehed) All sounds like it is (disorder) a natural process. I think the darkshade answer to be consider to look into the answer i.e lower energy state is more stable one. (My opinion is also seems same like to Darkshade opinion. This opinion directs to another natural process of universe. I will say it in my future theory.)
  12. Means, it does not travels continuously? Does it exist in universe for ever? (Once after generation of sound)
  13. Thanks. I will see about it. What about sound. We listen sound low at far distance from its origin position.
  14. (I think you will not get bored or you will not get problems from my question and this is discussion forum therefore we can discuss) 1) Light is a energy, as like this, sound also energy. If we observe sound it will not contain same efficiency at far distance (another point where it is moved). 2) If we consider moving as work then work needs a energy and work will not continuously (until it will not get energy there is no work). Light is moving from one point to another, which has made to move the light? Movement is a work from energy and when work has made then energy will to end ( energy transformed into work). what you say.
  15. Do we see light from any device (after off of torch) ? name the Device please.
  16. In night assume there is no power then we lighten a torch then we see light. After some time we off the torch then we cannot see the light. As per your answer, reason for not seeing the light may it light may be traveled far distance. How you analyze it?
  17. You mean light from the stars travels continuously to the infinite.
  18. Thanks I heard that light travels continuously. If we consider it as an energy, it also has an end, when we apply this law (energy changes from order to disorder). what you say about this? (I think You understand, what I am saying) While answering, pls you have to consider Redshift also.
  19. Here you have given the example for the question, what is the reason for disorder according to 2nd law of thermodynamics. Other side you have said Your example of marbles, where shows, the reason for Engine fully not converting heat into mechanical work? Marbles are not gone outside of the bucket. But in the engine we dont know heat, A) where it gone? B) Why it gone? C) Do we have not to question the law ? By the word 'why'?
  20. Is there no answer, why it rejects the heat ? (Why engine cannot fully convert heat into mechanical work) Is there any research are going on to find that? (Our teacher was told that this is a researching subject)
  21. Please clear (I have not understood fully), what you are saying? All engines reject the heat(energy) 1) How much rejects ? 2) Why it rejects ?
  22. You are not giving response to my questions
  23. ( I have Asked earlier, again I am asking) Mystery, Please answer. In example of evolution in the respect of matrices, how you relate matrices with physical transformation during evolution. Square and vector matrices represents what ? What represent the 1 and 0 at evolution as a physical entity? (Does -1 has not existed) At the end of the topic, I could collectively write the common things, which is in the members answers, for three questions.But till other members may also can give answers to it. Hence I will wait. ( I have intended to write my opinion after writing common answer of all members.) Now I think it is better to write final common opinion of members to the first paragraph of my first post. Final common thing : The second law of thermodynamics must be violated billions of time. This is not a statement of evolutionist else it is statement of "Pseudo Evolutionists" ( Objection may posted with proof of scientific rules) Mystery you had used Uncertainty principle and (violation of) physical principles, when answering first question. Please explain it widely. (What are these in particular as a answer for this question).
  24. Thank you. At first time I am knowing example of evolution in the respect of matrices. It is maths. Now how you relate it with physical transformation. Square matrix represent what? And what represents vector matrix physically? What has existed before big bang? How?
  25. It's OK. But please keep in mind, the above three question . Where it required give solution to the above questions.
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