So im watching The Universe on Netflix and they were talking about how the universe started from a single atom that was indescribably dense and exploded, creating the universe. They also talk about how the universe is infinitely expanding (Dark Matter and Dark Energy i believe). But is there any possible way the the universe didn't start as one small atom? Instead what if the point where that atom was, was actually a clogged hole from another universe that was a different dimension. Then it finally exploded, expanding the universe infinitely but is still being fed though this hole from another universe. Also couldn't it make sense that the hole couldn't be seen because the other universe is in a different dimension? Also, since we think the universe is flat, wouldnt it make sense that the Multi-dimensional hole could be pouring matter into our universe at an extremely high rate.
I have no experience with the laws of physics or anything. I haven't even taken physics in high school yet, im just very interested in the universe. Please go easy on me if my theory violated a LOT of laws of physics as im sure it did.